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Passionate Fisherman in the Struggle for Preservation of Untouched Nature

Twenty years ago, he won the affection of a broader audience with the role of Brando in the television serial “Family Treasure”. Since then, Vojin Cetkovic has shown that he is equally...

Sweden’s Reindeer at Risk of Starvation After Summer Drought

Sweden’s indigenous Sami reindeer herders are demanding state aid to help them cope with the impact of this summer’s unprecedented drought and wildfires, saying their future is at risk as global warming...

Number 11 – August 2018

This is the 11th issue of our Magazine with the topic of "Sustainable Architecture". Architecture is a discipline that through its practice has a profound impact on all fields of sustainability, which...

After Plastic Straws, Are Balloons Next To Go?

We get it. Balloons are fun and make great decorations. But we hate to burst your bubble—balloons can be a big problem when they are deliberately released into the environment. The litter is...

Wild-Caught Elephants Can Die Up to 7 Years Earlier

For the study, published Tuesday in Nature Communications, researchers studied records of 5,000 timber elephants in Myanmar to understand the effects of capture. They determined that capturing and taming wild-caught elephants resulted...

Our Cellphone Addiction Is Turning Wireless Tech Into an Invisible Weapon That’s Destroying Wildlife

There is growing evidence that our addiction to cellphones could be impacting brain functionality and be the cause of stress, anxiety, insomnia and a lack of attention and focus. Now a new...

Lemurs Are the Most Endangered Species of Primate on the Planet

Approximately 94% of the 111 species and subspecies of lemur are under threat of extinction in their native country of Madagascar – the only place they exist outside of captivity. Of the...

Migratory Barnacle Geese Threatened by Rapidly Rising Arctic Temperatures

Migrating barnacle geese that lay their eggs in the Arctic zones of northern Russia are becoming confounded by earlier springs in their traditional nesting grounds, according to a study published in Current...

WeWork Will No Longer Serve Meat at Events or Expense Meals with It

WeWork, the real estate company that rents out and manages office space, has announced that they will no longer hold any staff events that include meat, and that staff will not be...

Eight of 14 Rhinos Die after Move to Kenyan National Park

Eight out of 14 critically endangered black rhinos have died after being moved to a reserve in southern Kenya, wildlife officials have revealed, in what one conservationist described as “a complete disaster”.Preliminary...

Illegal Ivory Found on Sale in 10 European Countries

Illegal ivory has been found on sale in 10 European countries, contravening international efforts to cut down on the trade which campaigners say encourages the poaching of elephants.The campaigning group Avaaz bought...

Eating Seaweed Could Reduce Cows’ Methane Production

Researchers at the University of California, Davis have found a surprising food source that could help reduce cows’ methane production: seaweed. A recent study from the university suggests bovines who eat an...

Red List Research Finds 26,000 Global Species under Extinction Threat

More than 26,000 of the world’s species are now threatened, according to the latest red list assessment of the natural world, adding to fears the planet is entering a sixth wave of...

Summer Heat Waves Break Records Across Northern Hemisphere

The summer of 2018 is shaping up to be one for the record books. Locations across the Northern Hemisphere have recorded their hottest temperatures ever this past week, the Washington Post reported...

Neonicotinoid Pesticides Have Been Found in Wild Turkeys

Neonicotinoid pesticides have commonly been linked to the plight of honeybees.But a new study from the University of Guelph finds that honeybees aren't the only non-pest creatures that are coming into contact...

Against All Odds, Mountain Gorilla Numbers Are on the Rise

The news coming out of East Africa's Virunga Mountains these days would have made the late (and legendary) conservationist Dian Fossey very happy. According to the most recent census, the mountain gorillas...



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