Search results for:Biodiversity

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Green Shoots: Are COVID-19 Recovery Funds Helping the Environment?

In the last year, governments have pledged trillions of dollars in COVID-19 relief, creating what some observers have called a once-in-a-generation chance to make planet-friendly investments—and save the Earth from a looming...

2021: it’s Now or Never for Mediterranean Wetlands

It’s World Wetlands Day on 2 February – and there has never been a more important time for us to take stock of what’s being celebrated and why. That’s because the future...

Photo Exhibition „Natura 2000 in the Frame”

The project „EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” organised in collaboration with the Energy Portal a photo contest „Natura 2000 in the frame” from September to November 2020. Out of more than 1,500...

Inauguration of Photo Exhibition “Natura 2000 in the frame”

The project “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” organized in collaboration with the Energy Portal a photo contest  “Natura 2000 in the frame” from September 14th to November 27th 2020. Out of more...

Agricultural Policy Needs To Secure Stronger Environmental Improvements for Water in Europe

Agricultural management practices should be based on agroecological principles, organic farming and nature-based solutions, the EEA report ‘Water and agriculture; towards sustainable solutions,’ says. To achieve this, more ambitious measures to promote sustainable...

UN Environment Assembly Concludes With an Urgent Call For Action to Solve Planetary Emergencies

Ministers of environment and other leaders from more than 150 nations today concluded a two-day online meeting of the Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) in which the Assembly warned that the...

At the Heart of Technological Transformation and Modernization

Spain is one of the European countries most concerned about climate change. The southern areas of this Mediterranean country are characterized by rather harsh climatic conditions, such as high temperatures, droughts, scarce...

A Ten Step Plan to Save Our Seas

The year 2050 has been predicted by some to be a bleak year for the ocean. Experts say that by 2050 there may be more plastic than fish in the sea, or perhaps only...

The Circular Economy Can Help Save the Planet –⁠ if We Start Innovating Now

As we begin 2021, businesses face a complex matrix of challenges – from rising geo-economic tensions to the urgency of the climate crisis. With less than ten years to achieve the United...

Make Charles Darwin Proud: Save the Galapagos From Your Living Room

The Galapagos Islands, off the west coast of Ecuador, are among the most important bastions of nature on our planet. The diversity of life here--hammerhead sharks, Galapagos penguins and blue-footed boobies among...

Unless we Urgently Rethink Agriculture, More Diseases will Jump Species

As the world grapples with the current pandemic, other threats, not least our climate emergency, have not gone away. In 2020, the economic disruption from Covid-19 cost the world’s economy more than...

Climate Change Adaptation Is Key to Avoid Disruption of EU Agricultural Commodities Imports

Stepping up European Union (EU) support for international adaptation, together with trade diversification are key actions the EU can take to lessen the impacts of climate change on agricultural trade, according to...

Many Obsolete Barriers Harm Europe’s Rivers

A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, looks at the issue of river barriers and their impact on ecosystems. The EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 aims to restore at least 25 000 km of free-flowing rivers...

Advanced Digital Technologies Can Play a Crucial Role in Making Europe’s Waste Management Systems More Circular and Sustainable

Digital technologies like robotics, cloud computing and artificial intelligence will help improve the sustainability of Europe’s waste management systems. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing released, increased use of these...

Nature is Our Most Precious Asset – we Must all Act Now to Save it

The global financial crisis of 2008 had catastrophic effects on all elements of society with very few economies left untouched. It resulted in a global recession that was the most severe since...

World Leaders Set for Pivotal Environmental Assembly

In February 2021, representatives of the 193 Member States of the UN, businesses leaders, civil society and environmentalists from around the world will come together virtually for the fifth session of the...



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