Search results for:Africa

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Reform Is Not Enough to Build Trust – a Call for System Change

In 2021, the world has a chance to not just move beyond the acute COVID-19 public health crisis, but to do it in a way that sets us on a just and...

Latest EEA Study Finds Multiple Benefits of Switch to Renewable Electricity

The increased use of renewable electricity across the European Union has not only reduced pressures linked to climate change, but also to air and water pollution (particulate matter formation, eutrophication and acidification),...

This Zoo Just Saved One of the World’s Rarest Turtles From Extinction

Some of the rarest turtles in the world have been brought back from the brink of extinction. The Northern River Terrapin (Batagur baska) is a freshwater turtle once common in the waterways of...

IEA to Produce World’s First Comprehensive Roadmap to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

The International Energy Agency announced that it will produce the world’s first comprehensive roadmap for the energy sector to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 as it further strengthens its leadership role in...

The Year that COVID Built: a Look Back on 2020

What will you remember about 2020? Many of us suffered loss of loved ones from the pandemic; even more of us have seen our livelihoods put in peril. But there are some memories we...

European Union Approves World’s Largest Green Stimulus

On Friday, EU lawmakers agreed to provide a €672 billion recovery fund boost for the EU economy. How green is it? Fairly green — 37 percent of the funding has to go to...

Joint Cross-Border Renewable Energy Projects Are Feasible and Beneficial

The EEA briefing Cross-border cooperation for deployment of renewable energy, which looks at the challenges posed by cross-border cooperation on renewable energy, found that several key barriers exist deterring EU Member States...

IRENA and Ocean Energy Europe Partner to Drive Ocean Energy Industry

The CEO of Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), Rémi Gruet and the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Francesco La Camera, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today at the annual...

Urgent Action Needed for the Energy Transition in Heating and Cooling

The transition to cleaner, more sustainable heating and cooling solutions can attract investment, create millions of new jobs and help to drive a durable economic recovery in the wake of the global...

How to Overcome Water Challenges in Agriculture

More than three billion people live in agricultural areas with high to very high levels of water shortages and scarcity, and almost half of them face severe constraints. Furthermore, available freshwater resources...

What Is Servitisation, and How Can It Help Save the Planet?

The rising global population and continuous economic growth are driving an increasing demand for energy. Global energy consumption is expected to nearly double by the year 2050, further enhancing the challenge to...

Marked Improvement in Europe’s Air Quality Over Past Decade

The EEA’s ‘Air quality in Europe — 2020 report’ shows that six Member States exceeded the European Union's limit value for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 2018: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Italy, Poland,...

Three Ways Drones Help Us Better Manage Our Land and Protect Our Planet

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) – or drones, as most people know them – really take off. From enhancing video coverage of...

Namibia’s Locust Crisis: “They have no Mercy at All”

“This is the first time seeing such a scary situation ever since i was born here. Nothing else can compare to such a serious threat,” said farmer Fabian Sisamu. “It is the worst...

Institutional Capital: Closing the Energy Transformation Investment Gap

The energy transformation is unstoppable. Renewable energy capacity additions have consistently outpaced the growth of traditional forms of energy over much of the last decade and in what has been dubbed the...

Renewable Energy Solutions for Climate-Safe Cities

Renewable energy solutions can be the backbone of urban decarbonization efforts, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Climate Initiative (IKI) on the Rise of renewables...



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