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Why we Need Global Cooperation on Decarbonizing Cities and Real Estate

In an increasingly challenging and volatile world, the urgent need to decarbonize real estate remains a constant. There are no quick fixes that will suddenly transform today’s energy inefficient buildings into models of...

The Future of Solar Energy in Europe

SolarPower Europe is the leading European association for solar energy, founded in 1985. This association represent over 250 companies and organizations across the entire solar value chain; from solar manufacturers, to installers...

The Solution For the Future of Sustainable Transport

The world’s metropolises are taking sure steps to improve and accelerate the complete transition to electric vehicles with innovative solutions. Intensive work on the promotion of electric vehicles, affects the growth of...

A Key Lever For Acceleratinf EV Adoption

The introduction of smart EV charging infrastructure is becoming a global goal of essential importance for the whole world, thus accelerating this trend, and using its benefits for both consumers and the...

Decarbonised Energy Pathway More Cost Effective than Polluting Alternatives in Central America

A decarbonisation strategy can bring benefits to the Central America region at the same or lower energy system costs than the current planning strategy, according to a new report by the International...

ABB to Automate Bioplastics Plant to Help Meet the Growing Global Demand for Sustainable Materials

ABB has been awarded a major contract by NatureWorks, the world’s leading manufacturer of polylactic acid (PLA), a low-carbon bioplastic made from renewable agricultural resources, to automate their new, greenfield plant in...

Today’s Energy Crisis Makes Supporting Clean Energy Start-Ups More Important Than Ever

Periods of energy disruption, like the one we are seeing today, offer an opening for disruptive technologies. A helping hand for clean energy start-ups can help respond to the current energy crisis...

As Climate Changes, World Grapples With a Wildfire Crisis

Whether it’s the Australian coast or the rainforests of Brazil, unrestrained wildfires – shrouded by black smoke and punctuated by the crackle of burning vegetation – have laid waste to some of...

CO2-free Driving Pleasure in all Weather Conditions: The BMW iX5 Hydrogen in Final Winter Testing

The BMW iX5 Hydrogen is currently undergoing a demanding programme of testing in extremely challenging weather conditions. It is all part of final winter testing for the car on public roads and...

WADI + Sun = Free Potable Water

The perfection is in simplicity, which also goes for simple inventions. Thus, a small device, called WADI, which does not require batteries, chemi-cals, or spare parts, can save a large part of...

The Opportunity For Booth Investors and the Energy Sector Development

In accordance with the new Serbian Law on the Usage of Renewable Energy Sources, the manufacturers of electricity from the RES sector must participate in tenders, i. e. is to become competitive...

The Round we Must not Lose

Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Chief, Consultant, and MMA fighter – all of these terms describe one person. Luka Strezoski is living proof that anything is possible if you love what...

When Clean Environment Brings the Eco-Friendly Municipality title

Čajetina municipality in Serbia has set a very clear and ambitious goal for itself. It is inclined to officially become the first eco-friendly municipality in Serbia. At the moment when our problems seem...

EBRD Backs Serbia’s Upgrade of Agricultural Infrastructure

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is supporting Serbia’s efforts to upgrade its agricultural infrastructure and make it more climate resilient. A EUR 15 million EBRD loan will finance the construction...

Cities Play Pivotal Roles in Europe’s Sustainability Transition

Cities are centers of innovation and economic activity but they also affected by social challenges such as segregation, poverty and inequality. Environmental challenges for cities range from worsening impacts of climate change,...

How Plastic is Infiltrating the World’s Soils

The images are sobering: dead sea birds and choking turtles caught in the plastic that is increasingly flooding into marine ecosystems. In many parts of the world, this type of plastic pollution has...



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