Search results for:global CO2 emissions

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What you need to know about the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference

The report shows that the NDCs are insufficient or fall short. Current commitments put the world on track for a global temperature rise of 2.7°C by the end of the century. The...

Greenhouse Gas Bulletin: Another Year Another Record

The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year, with the annual rate of increase above the 2011-2020 average. That trend has continued in...

4 Myths About Industrial Agriculture

Our lives revolve around food. It’s part of our cultures and our heritages, and our social interactions are often centered on it. Yet, it’s a privilege to be able to have meals...

Digital Partner in the Fields of Sustainability and Efficiency

The coronavirus has brought numerous changes in everyday life. It also contributed to the increasing demand for sustainable energy and sustainability in all areas of work. The innovations are introduced, and new technologies...

An Important Step Towards the Conservation of Endangered Migratory Birds

The Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BPSSS) welcomes the recent amendments to The Rulebook on Declaring a Closed Hunting Season for the Protected Wild Game Species, which established changes in...

Zero waste to landfill achieved at ABB’s Frosinone factory in Italy

Zero production waste to landfill has been achieved at ABB Smart Power’s manufacturing unit in Frosinone, Italy — 14 years ahead of the European Union’s Circular Economy Package target of no more...

How to Decarbonize Heavy-Duty Transport and Make it Affordable

The race to decarbonize transportation is on, attested to by a global wave of commitments to electrify government and corporate fleets. However, heavy-duty trucking presents a special challenge. While it constitutes only 1...

Better Energy Efficiency Policy With Digital Tools

The digitalisation of energy systems is transforming energy efficiency, introducing technologies and creating new sources of detailed data which are supporting new business models and revenue streams. As the market and technology...

Climate Change Widespread, Rapid, and Intensifying – IPCC

Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released today. Many of...

How composting can reduce our impact on the planet

Every year, across the world, 1,3 billion tones of food is either lost or wasted, says the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Food Waste Index. With world hunger on this rise due to the...

How Technology Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate Talk and Action

As society pressures leaders for a more environmentally-friendly agenda, governments responsible for 63 percent of world emissions have committed to net zero with corporate net-zero commitments covering 12 percent of the global...

Snøhetta & Saferock Turn Mining Waste Into Zero-Carbon Concrete

Internationally renowned Norwegian architecture and design company Snøhetta has teamed up with Norwegian startup Saferock to develop a zero-carbon concrete for use in construction. This is big news considering the level of carbon emissions of the...

BMW Wants To Produce 10 Million Electric Vehicles By 2030

BMW Group has set a goal of reducing its CO2 emissions by over 200 million tonnes by the year 2030. Earlier this month the company announced this goal at its Annual General...

Energy Pathway to Net Zero by 2050

The world has a viable pathway to building a global energy sector with net-zero emissions in 2050, but it is narrow and requires an unprecedented transformation of how energy is produced, transported...

5 Things to Know About the Future of Electric Vehicles

While global car sales took a pandemic-related hit last year, electric vehicles (EVs) bucked the trend. The number of EVs registered across the globe expanded massively in 2020, according to the International Energy...

Renewables are Stronger than Ever as They Power Through the Pandemic

Renewable sources of electricity such as wind and solar grew at their fastest rate in two decades in 2020 and are set to expand in coming years at a much faster pace...



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