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Adidas Sold over a Million Pairs of Trainers Made from Ocean Plastics in 2017

Two years ago, Adidas jumped into the sustainable apparel market to clean up toxins in their shoes and help prevent ocean pollution. They announced in March that they reached a milestone of...

Indonesia Mobilizes 20,000 Citizens to Clean Up Plastic Pollution

Indonesia wastes upward of 10 billion plastic bags every year, making it the second highest polluter of plastic in the entire world. To address the growing plastic pollution problem, thousands of volunteers...

Japan Killed 50 Whales in Antarctic Protected Area, Data Shows

Japanese whalers have killed more than 50 minke whales in an Antarctic marine protection area this year, WWF has revealed. The disclosure comes on the opening day of the International Whaling Commission’s annual...

UK Public Urged to Use Water Wisely

The public is being urged to use water wisely as the UK environment “suffered” due to the heatwave between May and July. The call from the National Drought Group comes after a meeting,...

A Paradise at Risk: Tulum Is an Eco-Destination That Will Soon Face Irreversible Damage

What once was a small fishing village, Tulum has quickly become one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Home to miles of pristine beaches, exotic wildlife, and the world’s largest...

Exotic Pets Are Most Likely to Be Released in the Wild and Become Invasive Species

With imports of Fish and Wildlife-regulated reptiles exceeding one million individuals each year, it is no surprise that many of these animals are finding their way into the wild, where they are...

Ambassador of Denmark, Anders Hougård: The promotion of the green agenda is a never-ending process

The country of well-being, the oldest monarchy in Europe and the country with the happiest inhabitants, the birthplace of LEGO bricks, “hygge” lifestyle and famous fairy-tale writer Hans Christian Andersen – we...

Study: Children Have Better Nutrition When They Live Near Forests

Spending time in nature is known to boost mental and emotional health. Now, a new global study has found that children in 27 developing nations tend to have more diverse diets and...

Canada Moves to Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides

Environmentalists scored a victory in Canada on Wednesday, securing restrictions on two pesticides that have been posing threats to bees and aquatic insects. The Canadian government’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), branched...

After Plastic Straws, Are Balloons Next To Go?

We get it. Balloons are fun and make great decorations. But we hate to burst your bubble—balloons can be a big problem when they are deliberately released into the environment. The litter is...

Forecasting Coral Disease Outbreaks Could Buy Time to Save Reefs

Hawaii's knobby finger coral careened toward extinction in 2015. The species was so rare that scientists could only find a few fragments in the wild, scattered across the seabed of Oahu's Kaneohe...

World’s Largest King Penguin Colony Collapses by almost 90% in Space of 35 years

Number of pairs has fallen from 500,000 in the 1980s, to just 60,000 by 2017. The world’s largest colony of king penguins has collapsed by almost 90 per cent over the last 35...

Almost all World’s Oceans Damaged by Human Impact, Study Finds

The remaining wilderness areas, mostly in the remote Pacific and at the poles, need urgent protection from fishing and pollution, scientists say. Just 13% of the world’s oceans remain untouched by the damaging...

Even Polar Bear Cubs Can’t Escape Plastic Pollution

Plastic bags are often stamped with an all-caps warning: This bag is not a toy. Unfortunately, polar bear moms don't have much control over their kids' playthings. British wildlife photographer Kevin Morgans recently...

This Floating Park in Rotterdam is Made from Recycled Plastic Waste

More than 1,000 square feet of plastic ultimately destined to pollute the ocean is getting a second lease on life in Rotterdam. On July 4, 2018, Recycled Island Foundation opened its prototype...

Eating Seaweed Could Reduce Cows’ Methane Production

Researchers at the University of California, Davis have found a surprising food source that could help reduce cows’ methane production: seaweed. A recent study from the university suggests bovines who eat an...



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