Search results for:biomass energy

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District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels

Heating homes and offices without adding to the dangers of climate change is a major challenge for many cities, but re-imagined district heating is now offering an answer. A district heating scheme is...

China Has an Ambitious Five-Year Plan to Convert Homes to Clean Heating

China has taken several steps this year to curb its greenhouse gas emissions. The nation has tested new electric vehicles, shut down coal-burning factories, and moved forward on plans for “sponge cities”...

Jet Fuel Made From Sugar Cane? It’s Not a Flight of Fancy

The aviation industry produces 2 percent of global human-induced carbon dioxide emissions. This share may seem relatively small – for perspective, electricity generation and home heating account for more than 40 percent...

Denmark Is Moving Convincingly Towards Decarbonization, Finds IEA

The International Energy Agency this week has highlighted the work being done by Denmark in decarbonizing its economy and the country’s progress on meeting its ambitious goals of becoming a low-carbon economy...

MATT MCGRATH: Are Vehicles Greener on the Other Side as Well

With Matt McGrath, BBC journalist specialized in reporting on science and ecology, we discussed the steps that are being taken in the United Kingdom to alleviate the apparent climatic changes caused by...

Renewables Provided 44.1% Of Germany’s Electricity In October

Germany added 2.3 gigawatts of new onshore wind capacity in the first half of 2017. Though it failed to meet the target last year, the Renewable Energy Act set an annual target...

National Grid Declares 2017 ‘Greenest Summer Ever’

August and September may have seemed like a bit of a washout for those hoping to enjoy a scorching end to the summer, but green energy enthusiasts will be toasting a successful...

British Airways Tries Again on Waste Based Biofuels

UK carrier British Airways (BA) has partnered with renewable fuels company Velocys, after an earlier waste-to-fuel initiative named GreenSky with Washington-based Solena Fuels fell through. This latest venture uses fuel derived from waste...

Scotland Breaks Another Wind Power Record

Scotland is celebrating yet another record-breaking month for wind power, new figures show. Scottish wind turbines provided 846,942 megawatt hours of electricity to the National Grid, enough to supply the power needs of...

High-tech Electronics Made from Autumn Leaves

Northern China's roadsides are peppered with deciduous phoenix trees, producing an abundance of fallen leaves in autumn. These leaves are generally burned in the colder season, exacerbating the country's air pollution problem....

Major Changes Recommended In India’s 100 Gigawatt Solar Power Plan

An Indian Parliament committee has given recommendations for making major changes in the National Solar Mission which, it believes, are essential to achieve the 100 gigawatts of operational capacity target by March...

KPA Unicon to supply power plant to Grubišno Polje in Croatia

Energostatik d.o.o and KPA Unicon have signed a contract on the supply of Unicon Altius 5 MWe biomass power plant to Grubišno Polje in Croatia. The plant will generate electricity to the...

IRAN: The Largest Solar Power Plant Opened

The newly opened Mokran Solar Power Plants Complex is the latest proof of Iran’s ambitions in renewable energy. The country’s biggest solar plant was constructed in the eastern province of Kerman in six...

Cutting the Cost of Ethanol, other Biofuels and Gasoline is Pretty Simple

Biofuels like the ethanol in U.S. gasoline could get cheaper thanks to experts at Rutgers University-New Brunswick and Michigan State University. They've demonstrated how to design and genetically engineer enzyme surfaces so they...

Report: There is Enough UK CO2 Storage Capacity for Decades to Come

There is ample capacity for storing captured carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new report that argues low cost storage sites could support a series of carbon capture hubs along the east...

US Solar Industry Creates Jobs 17 Times Faster Than Rest Of The Economy

A new report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reveals that solar jobs in the U.S. (and other nations) are expanding quickly. As of November 2016, the American solar industry...



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