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Asia’s First Hybrid Electric Ferry Sets Sail

The first hybrid electric ferry in Asia has set sail in the Taiwanese port of Kaohsiung, in the first stage of a plan to clean up the city's marine transport sector with...

Railsponsible Becomes a Member of the 10YFP Sustainable Public Procurement Program Led by UNEP

Railsponsible, a non-profit business organisation formed by seven companies in the rail industry: Alstom, Bombardier Transportation, SNCF, Deutsche Bahn, Knorr Bremse, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) and SKF, becomes the 109th partner of the...

Deutsche Bank Vows to End New Coal Lending, in Line with Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement and the global divestment campaign has secured one of its biggest victories to date, after banking giant Deutsche Bank announced it would halt investment in new coal projects in...

Making Freshwater from the Sun

To reduce the use of non-renewable groundwater and still meet growing water needs, the production of desalinated seawater in the MENA region is projected to be 13 times higher in 2040 compared...

Report: Electric Cars in Pole Position to Dominate Green Car Market

Electric cars are set to dominate the fast-expanding ultra-low emission vehicle (ULEV) market in the coming decades, with hydrogen vehicles unlikely to play a major role prior to 2050. That is the conclusion...

EU Hails Clean Energy ‘Year of Delivery’

The European Union is on track to meet its renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emission targets for 2020 following a 'year of delivery' across the renewables sector, according to a...

U.S. to Pull out of Paris Climate Change Agreement under Trump

As seemed likely from the day Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, the country will pull out of the global Paris Climate Agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The move had...

World Wetlands Day – 2. February

2nd February each year is World Wetlands Day. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2. February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on...

A Step Toward Renewable Diesel

MIT engineers have genetically reprogrammed a strain of yeast so that it converts sugars to fats much more efficiently, an advance that could make possible the renewable production of high-energy fuels such...

EIB Group Increases Support to Czech Republic by One Third to EUR 619 Million in 2016

The European Investment Bank Group provided EUR 619 million in new loans, guarantees equity in the Czech Republic in 2016, of which EUR 526 million from the EIB and EUR 93 million from...

First Agreements Signed for Uranium Mining Legacy Fund

The EBRD’s latest nuclear safety fund is making progress. Framework agreements have been signed with the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan which will provide the legal basis for implementation of projects in these...

The EBRD for Renewables in Georgia

The EBRD is a leading institutional investor in Georgia. Since the start of its operations in the country, the Bank has invested over €2.73 billion in 195 projects in the financial, corporate,...

Melbourne Trams to Be Solar-Powered under Andrews Government Proposal

Building large-scale solar farms in northern Victoria part of plan to reduce state’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050. Melbourne’s tram network will become entirely solar-powered under a proposal by the Andrews...

IEA Urges Poland to Clean Up its Energy Sector while Balancing Energy Security, Environment and Affordability Requirements

Poland’s new energy strategy should put the country on a pathway towards a cleaner energy system while strengthening energy security, the International Energy Agency said in its latest review of the country’s...

Trump Clears Way for Controversial Oil Pipelines

U.S. President Donald Trump signed orders on Tuesday smoothing the path for the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines in a move to expand energy infrastructure and roll back key...

MEPs Back Higher Recycling Targets

MEPs on the EU's environment committee yesterday backed the adoption of more ambitious waste and recycling targets under the Circular Economy Package. The lawmakers voted to boost the municipal recycling target from 65...



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