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2017 Set to Rank as One of the Hottest Years Ever Recorded

Global temperature records look likely to be smashed once again this year, with 2017 on course to be one of the three hottest years on record, according to the World Meteorological Organisation...

The Ozone Hole is Shrinking and It’s Now the Smallest It Has Been in 30 Years

Here's a rare piece of good news about the environment: The giant hole in the Earth's protective ozone layer is shrinking and has its smallest peak since 1988, NASA scientists said. The largest...

Greener School Buildings Could Save Taxpayers £2.6bn a Year

If all the UK's school buildings were replaced with the most energy efficient alternatives taxpayers would save £2.6bn a year from the schools budget, new research has revealed. A paper released yesterday by...

Study: It’s Easier For Cities To Reduce Residential Emissions Than Transportation Emissions

It’s easier for cities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through the residential sector than it is through the transportation sector, a new study authored by an MIT professor has found. The...

Last Saturday, Every Fourth Light Bulb in Europe was Powered by the Wind

As you settled down to watch Strictly Come Dancing last Saturday evening there was a one in four chance your TV was being powered by the wind. Trade body WindEurope confirmed yesterday that...

Air Quality In Northern China During September Was Just As Bad As Last Year, Despite Reduction Initiatives

Despite all of the work put in as part of a campaign to reduce air pollution there, air quality in Northern China was just as bad in September 2017 as it was...

Record Loss Of Global Tree Cover In 2016, Driven By Forest Fires

The record loss of global tree cover in 2016 — totaling around 297,000 square kilometers (114,672 square miles) and representing a rise of 51% on 2015 — was driven partly by increasingly...

Air Mapping Initiative Reveals London’s Most Polluted Postcodes

The most polluted postcodes in London have been identified as part of a year-long initiative which saw thousands of personal air quality smart sensors handed out to local groups, businesses, and communities...

ALEKSANDRA ĐURĐEVIĆ Although There Are Neither Chargers nor Incentives in Serbia, Drivers Are Thrilled with BMW Electric and Hybrid Cars

At this year’s Car Show in Belgrade, Delta Motors not only presented visitors a wide range of BMW’s electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars but also decided to place these vehicles on...

China Declares War On Polluters — Shutters 40% Of Factories

China is getting serious about curbing pollution. According to sources, up to 40% of its factories have been closed at least temporarily recently as the country has struggled to meet its year-end...

Glasses Generate Power with Flexible Organic Solar Cells

Organic solar cells are flexible, transparent and lightweight, and can be manufactured in arbitrary shapes or colors. Thus, they are suitable for a variety of applications that cannot be realized with conventional...

Air Pollution Kills 9 Million, Costs $5 Trillion Per Year

"For decades, pollution and its harmful effects on people's health, the environment, and the planet have been neglected both by Governments and the international development agenda. Yet, pollution is the largest environmental...

Michael Gove Launches New UK Centre for Sustainable Oceans

A new research centre to tackle challenges facing the UK's seafood industry, marine wildlife and under-sea environment was officially launched yesterday by Environment Secretary Michael Gove. Based at the University of Exeter, the...

Report: EVs Greener than Diesel Even when Refuelled with Electricity from Coal-Fired Power Stations

Electric vehicles are far greener than their diesel and petrol alternatives over their entire lifetime, even when powered using electricity generated with the dirtiest fossil fuels, according to a new report released...

UK Startup Winnow Raises $7.4 Million With Food Waste Reduction Tech

Commercial food waste is a huge problem. In the UK alone it was estimated that in 2011 the cost of food wastage was £2.5 billion for the hospitality and food service sector....

Regenerative Agriculture: Our Best Hope of Cooling the Planet

Another report sounding the alarm about climate change. Another missed opportunity to talk about the most promising solution: regenerative agriculture. The New York Times cited a new report by the notoriously conservative Government...



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