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Wyatt Wants Winnipeg to Generate and Sell Solar Power

Coun. Russ Wyatt wants Winnipeg to create a new arm's-length corporation that will generate solar power and sell it back to Manitoba Hydro. The Transcona councillor has authored a motion to create a...

Microsoft Vows to Cut Emissions 75 Per Cent by 2030

Microsoft has become the latest corporate giant to unveil ambitious emissions reduction goals, publicly pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions by three quarters by 2030 against a 2013 baseline. The company said the...

Tipping Point: How Renewables Could Dominate UK and German Power Grids Within a Decade

A series of economic 'tipping points' could lead to a surge in renewables deployment in the UK and Germany over the next decade, paving the way for the countries to rely entirely...

Renewables Provided 44.1% Of Germany’s Electricity In October

Germany added 2.3 gigawatts of new onshore wind capacity in the first half of 2017. Though it failed to meet the target last year, the Renewable Energy Act set an annual target...

IKEA UK Rings Up Success on Food Waste, Green Energy and Circular Sofas

IKEA is pressing ahead with plans to become a 'circular retailer' that minimises its waste and encourages customers to reuse and repair its products, according to the company's latest Annual Summary for...

Study Links Osteoporosis to Air Pollution

Exposure to air pollution is known to cause a vast array of respiratory health problems, but in a new study, researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health have determined that...

Denver Becomes Latest City to Require Green Roofs

Denver is the latest city to mandate rooftop gardens or solar installations on new, large buildings, joining San Francisco, New York, Paris, London and other cities around the world with similar green...

Enormous Solar Power Plant Proposal In UK Generates NIMBY Pushback

An enormous solar power plant has been proposed for Cleve Hill in Kent on the east coast of England. The 350 megawatt facility would cover 900 acres of farmland and salt marshes...

Germany Could Shutter 20 Oldest Brown Coal Plants Without Creating Energy Shortages

Following the most recent election, German chancellor Angela Merkel is faced with the task of forming a coalition government involving the CDU/CSU alliance, the pro-business FDP, and the environmentalist Green Party. The...

What Will It Take to Kill Fossil Fuels Once and for All?

The increased investment in renewable energy in recent years has been extraordinary, and renewables are now cheaper and more efficient than ever before. Wind is powering a record-breaking number of homes, massive hydroelectric plants are cropping...

Scottish Supreme Court Gives Final Go-Ahead For 450 Megawatt Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm

A long-running legal battle between Mainstream Renewable Power and RSPB Scotland over the fate of the 450 megawatt Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm has finally come to a close, with Scotland’s...

European Union Cut Emissions 23% As Economy Grew 53%

Between 1990 and 2016 the European Union has cut greenhouse gas emissions by 23% while at the same time growing its economy by 53%, proving again that environmental action need not negatively...

Delhi Air Pollution Forces Public Health Emergency as Chief Minister Compares City to a ‘Gas Chamber’

Suffocating smog forced the Indian capital of New Delhi, a city of more than 21 million people, to declare a public health emergency on Tuesday. As a thick grey haze settled on the...

Scientists: Strategic Crop Growth Based on Climate Change Could Feed 825 Million More

Scientists in the U.S. and Italy have worked out a strategy to feed an extra 825 million people—by rearranging where crops are grown. Their new menu for the global table could serve...

EPA Estimates Rolling Back Clean Power Plan Could Cause 100,000 Deaths By 2050

In its mania to prove how horrible the Clean Power Plan is, the EPA has rejiggered the numbers and found — the Clean Power Plan could save more lives than the Obama...

Yingli Solar Panels Will Help Low Income Villages in China

People assume that the booming economy in China over the past 30 years has made all Chinese citizens wealthy. Nothing could be further from the truth. In Zhangbei County, just 150 miles...



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