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Norway’s Biggest Oil Company to Build Huge Offshore Wind Farm Off Coast of New York

If everything goes to plan, New York City and Long Island will be harnessing the Atlantic Ocean's strong and dependable winds as a source of renewable energy. Norway's biggest oil company will be...

UK Hits Clean Energy Milestone: 50% of Electricity from Low Carbon Sources

Half of the UK’s electricity came from wind turbines, solar panels, wood burning and nuclear reactors between July and September, in a milestone first. Official figures published on Thursday show low carbon power,...

France Officially Opens World’s First Solar Panel Road

France’s Minister of Environment Ségolène Royal has officially opened the world’s first solar road this week with one kilometer and 2,880 solar panels in Tourouvre-au-Perche. Now the country is waiting to see...

Primrose Solar Divests Entire Portfolio of UK Solar Farms

Renewable energy developer Primrose Solar has now divested its entire portfolio of solar farms, having announced the sale of its five remaining UK solar assets yesterday. The 80MW transaction has seen infrastructure investor...

Statoil the Winner of US Federal Lease Auction for Wind Area Offshore of New York

Statoil said Dec. 16 that it has been declared the provisional winner of the U.S. government’s wind lease sale of 79,350 acres offshore New York. Statoil will now have the opportunity to explore...

European Commission Approves Drax Biomass Subsidy

The share price of Britain’s biggest power station operator has jumped to a five-month high after the European commission approved subsidies for its conversion to burn wood pellets instead of coal. Drax was...

IEA Welcomes Italy’s Plan to Revisit Energy Strategy and Further Decarbonize Economy

In its latest country review of energy policies, the International Energy Agency praised Italy’s comprehensive long-term energy strategy and the acceleration of its efforts to comply with 2020 goals on renewable energy,...

Siemens Celebrates Topping Out Ceremony at New Wind Turbine Factory in Cuxhaven, Germany

A brisk, late November morning in Northern Germany provided backdrop to a ceremony held to mark completion of the structural supports of the factory slated to secure Siemens Wind Power’s position as...

It’s Official: Solar Is Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of New Electricity

For the first time, solar power is becoming the cheapest form of electricity production in the world, according to new statistics from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) released Thursday. While unsubsidized solar has...

Harworth Seals Deal for New 5MW Solar Farm in Yorkshire

UK developer Harworth is expanding its clean energy portfolio with the announcement yesterday that a deal to build a new 5MW solar farm in North Yorkshire has been signed off. Kellingley Solar Farm,...

No, Coal Isn’t Coming Back: the Reasons in 5 Charts

The coal industry is on the decline, but the reason for that decline has become a subject of political debate. Supporters of fossil fuels blame the energy policies of the outgoing Obama...

Boone, NC Passes Historic Resolution: Ditch Fossil Fuels, Go 100% Clean Energy

With an incoming presidential administration seemingly hostile towards action on climate change, local solutions are now more important than ever. With or without Donald Trump's help, the North Carolina municipality of Boone...

Roxann Laird is the Power-Gen 2016 Woman of the Year

On Tuesday during the Power Generation Week keynote session, Southern Company’s Roxann Laird was named the 2016 Power-Gen Woman of the Year. The other two finalists for the award were Sheri Blauweikel...

With New Pledges and New Projects, Developing Countries Take Clean Energy Lead Globally

Developing countries have made unprecedented pledges to consume more clean energy tomorrow even as they are leading the way today with record new wind and solar project completions, the latest edition of...

CS Wind Confirms Investment in New UK Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Factory

The UK is to get a new offshore wind technology manufacturing plant, after CS Wind yesterday confirmed it is to build a new tower factory in Campbeltown, Scotland. The company said that as...

ABB Building Automation Applied in the World’s First Energy Self-Sufficient Multi-Family Dwelling

No connection to the grid. No gas supply line. Not even a wood burning stove for those cold winter nights. In a building with no less than nine apartments. The Umwelt Arena in...



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