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World Abandoning Coal in Dramatic Style Raises Hope of Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming, Says Report

As Donald Trump pledges to put coal miners back to work in the United States, the rest of the world appears to have suddenly started moving in the opposite direction, abandoning the...

EU Agrees end to Confusing A+++ Energy Labels

After years of criticism the EU looks set to retire the much-maligned A+++ energy labelling scheme and return to a simpler A-G rating system. The EU originally used an A-G system of labels...

Radmila Šerović: Waste Materials of One Industry Will Become Raw Materials of Another

The Chief of the Department for Waste Management at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is Ms Radmila Šerović who has been working in the state administration since 2002. More precisely,...

World Water Day: One in Four Children will Live with Water Scarcity by 2040

One in four of the world’s children will be living in areas with extremely limited water resources by 2040 as a result of climate change, the UN has warned. Within two decades, 600...

Pakistan To Finally Embrace Solar Power Auctions

Perhaps motivated by the massive crash in the solar power tariff bids across the world, Pakistan is set to shift from feed-in tariff mechanism to competitive auctions in the solar power sector. Pakistan’s...

Scientists Sound the Alarm: CO2 Levels Race Past Point of No Return

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that carbon dioxide levels in 2016 broke records for the second year in a row with an increase of 3 parts per million (ppm). The...

Scottish Government Grants Planning Approval to Latest Floating Wind Farm

The Scottish government's plans to establish the country as a world-leading hub for floating wind turbine technology took another step forward last week when planning approval was granted for the third demonstration...

Almost 90 Per Cent of US Rooftops Suitable for Solar Power, Google Finds

 Almost 90 per cent of rooftops in the US catch enough sunlight to be suitable for generating solar power, analysis by Google has found. The tech giant's 'Project Sunroof' initiative has analysed around...

CO2 Emissions Stay Same for Third Year in Row – Despite Global Economy Growing

 Carbon dioxide emissions from energy have not increased for three years in a row even as the global economy grew, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said. Global emissions from the energy sector were...

This River is the First River Given Legal Status as a Person (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

New Zealand has recognized the Whanganui River as a legal person. On Wednesday, New Zealand Parliament passed the Te Awa Tupua Bill which states that the river is "an indivisible and living whole,"...

Stopping Global Warming is Only Way to Save Great Barrier Reef, Scientists Warn

The survival of the Great Barrier Reef hinges on urgent moves to cut global warming because nothing else will protect coral from the coming cycle of mass bleaching events, new research has...

Costa Fires Up Giant £38m Eco-Efficient Coffee Roastery

Costa has opened a giant £38m energy and resource-efficient coffee roastery in Essex, which it claims will be one of the most sustainable industrial buildings in the world. The BREEAM 'Outstanding' accredited factory's...

DONG Energy Retires World’s First Offshore Wind Farm

The offshore wind industry yesterday marked the end of an era, as Danish utility DONG Energy announced it is to decommission the world's first offshore wind farm after 25 years of service. The...

European Parliament Backs Restoration of Ambitious Recycling Goals

The European Parliament has yesterday voted in favour of strengthening proposed recycling and food waste targets as part of the EU's upcoming circular economy package. MEPs endorsed proposals for the bloc to deliver...

Renewables Roadshow: How Daylesford’s Windfarm Took Back the Power

From the fertile spud-growing country of Hepburn Shire, 90km northwest of Melbourne, has sprung what many hope will become a revolution in renewable energy in Australia. On Leonards Hill, just outside the town...

EU Approves Siemens-Gamesa Wind Mega-Merger

The European Commission yesterday approved plans for Siemens to merge its wind business with Spanish rival Gamesa in a bid to create the world's largest wind farm manufacturer by market share. The deal,...



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