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SolarCity Expands to Houston Area, Launches Popular Solar Service for the First Time

HOUSTON – SolarCity, America’s #1 solar power provider, is making its popular solar service available to homeowners in Greater Houston for the first time. SolarCity makes it possible for area homeowners to...

Alaska Continues to Bake, on Track For Hottest Year

Alaska just can’t seem to shake the fever it has been running. This spring was easily the hottest the state has ever recorded and it contributed to a year-to-date temperature that is...

Carbon emissions highest in 66 million years, since dinosaur age

The rate of carbon emissions is higher than at any time in fossil records stretching back 66 million years to the age of the dinosaurs, according to a study on Monday that...

2016 Arctic Sea Ice Wintertime Extent Hits Another Record Low

Arctic sea ice appears to have reached a record low wintertime maximum extent for the second year in a row, according to scientists at the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center...

Fresh Climate Data Confirms 2015 Is Unlike Any Other Year in Human History

Over the past few days, a bevy of climate data has come together to tell a familiar yet shocking story: Humans have profoundly altered the planet’s life-support system, with 2015. increasingly likely...

Serbia was among the first countries to deliver its national commitments UNFCCC*

By entering the industrial era, mankind entered the era of climate change on the planet. People’s activity is directly affected by the increase in emissions of greenhouse gases, in addition there was...



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