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EBRD and EIB provide €46.5 million loan each for power transmission in Tunisia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) – the EU Bank - are supporting vital developments required for a reliable and efficient operation of the...

1st Meeting of the High-level Committee of the Algiers Accord – OPEC and Non-OPEC Oil Producing Countries

The OPEC High-level Committee, established by the Algiers Accord, met with non-OPEC oil producing countries on Saturday, 29 October, at OPEC headquarters in Vienna.  It was preceded by the first High-Level Committee...

More Northeast Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Brings Questions

Led by the surge in Appalachia’s Marcellus and Utica plays, U.S. natural gas production has increased over 50% since 2005 and related infrastructure to move the gas has become short. This is...

Serbia has remarkable wind-based energy generation potential

Energy portal had chance to meet in Novi Sad Mr Henk van den Dool, ambassador of Netherlands in Serbia. We talk to him during  the fair “International days of energetics and investment”...

Balkan Countries Unite in a War on Waste

Under the rubric of the Let’s Do It campaign, Albanian and Kosovar activists jointly cleared their border area and the polluted Lake Vermica last April, in a Wombles-style campaign that has involved...

Radiography of Drought Periods in Spain from the last 318 years

The Mediterranean Basin has been witness to increased droughts for at least five decades, but has this always been the case? A research team has been successful in reconstructing, for the first...

New Neighborhood in Stockholm To Foster Sustainable Development

 One might say that the first Global Environmental Conference was not Rio+20 in 1992, but The United Nations Conference on The Human Environment (UNCHE), which took place in 1972 in Stockholm. Although...

There are Now More than 340,000 Renault-Nissan EVs on the Roads Worldwide

The Renault-Nissan Alliance announced that it will launch 10 models with Autonomous Drive technologies by 2020. This is in line with the Alliance’s commitment to technological innovation and its focus on the...

The weird, secret history of the electric car and why it disappeared

Ferdinand Porsche might have founded his famous car company in 1948, but he designed his very first car all the way back in 1898, when he was just 22 years old. Officially the...

Ventura Oil Spill Misses the Ocean, but Damage on Land is Unclear

Before the sun rose Thursday, Kirk Atwater’s wakeup call was a noxious breeze that filled his bedroom with fumes. He stepped out of his ranch that overlooks an arroyo in the Ventura hills...

Marks & Spencer Crowdfunds Solar Panels for its Stores

Marks & Spencer is using crowdfunding to back the installation of solar panels on its stores. The retailer is partnering with Energy4All, a not-for-profit group that helps community groups set up energy co-ops,...

A Look at Samsung’s Environmental Activities Around the World

As the planet faces a growing list of problems, from climate change and pollution to environmental degradation and resource depletion, the preservation and conservation of the environment has never been more significant. Recognizing...

Alaska Continues to Bake, on Track For Hottest Year

Alaska just can’t seem to shake the fever it has been running. This spring was easily the hottest the state has ever recorded and it contributed to a year-to-date temperature that is...

CO2 Turned into Stone in Iceland in Climate Change Breakthrough

Carbon dioxide has been pumped underground and turned rapidly into stone, demonstrating a radical new way to tackle climate change. The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2...

Never Give Up

RENEXPO® Water Management will be held from 06th to 08th June 2016 in Holiday Inn Hotel, in Belgrade. Therefore, we interviewed Mrs Myriam Fridman Dobrota, who has been preparing with REECO team numerous...

EU invests €217 million in energy infrastructure

Member States agreed on a Commission proposal to invest €217 million in key trans-European energy infrastructure projects, mainly in Central and South Eastern Europe. In total, 15 projects were selected following a...



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