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Walking, Cycling and Public Transport – Greener Mobility Options Than Electric Scooters or Ride-Hailing

The growing use of electric scooters and ride-hailing services is transforming how we move in urban centres — but walking, cycling and public transport remain the best way to improve sustainable mobility...

Global Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Flattened in 2019, Following Two Years of Increases

Global emission trends Global energy-related CO2 emissions flattened in 2019 at around 33 gigatonnes (Gt), following two years of increases. This resulted mainly from a sharp decline in CO2 emissions from the power...

This Is What We Can Really Do About Climate Change, Says New Report

It’s not too late to stop climate change. According to new research, decarbonizing fast enough to stabilize the climate and fast-track the planet to net-zero rests on all of us changing how...

Fossil Fuels Have Economically and Environmentally Friendly Alternatives – Heat Pumps

Winter came but even those who do not use coal, oil or gas for heating needn’t worry.According to the Institute for Energy Research, demand for fossil fuels, and especially gas, has skyrocketed...

UK Could Put Tariffs on Food From Countries With Lower Standards

The UK could introduce tariffs on imports of food from countries with lower food safety and farming standards than the UK, using World Trade Organization rules, the environment secretary has suggested.“We want...

Climate Procrastination

Although it was evident at the beginning of the second half of the last century that significant changes in the climate system could be expected and that these changes would have an...

Offshore Windfarms ‘Can Provide More Electricity Than the World Needs’

Erecting wind turbines on the world’s best offshore sites could provide more than enough clean energy to meet global electricity demand, according to a report.A detailed study of the world’s coastlines has...

Renewable Energy to Expand by 50% in Next Five Years – Report

Global supplies of renewable electricity are growing faster than expected and could expand by 50% in the next five years, powered by a resurgence in solar energy.The International Energy Agency (IEA) found...

Food Price Index Holds Steady

Global food prices were steady in September, as lower sugar prices were offset by increased quotations for vegetable oils and meat.The FAO Food Price Index, which tracks monthly changes in the international...

Deconstructing Myths About Waste Management Transition

The main task for the future of waste management in Serbia is to debunk the waste management goals. So, where are we heading to as a society when it comes to this...

Underground Line to Heat Up London Homes During Winter

The sweltering temperatures on the tube’s Northern line will soon begin keeping homes in Islington, north London, cosy through the colder months, under a scheme to harness the heat from the underground. By...

Earth Overshoot Day 2019 Is July 29th, the Earliest Ever

On July 29, humanity will have used nature’s resource budget for the entire year, according to Global Footprint Network, an international sustainability organization that has pioneered the Ecological Footprint. The Ecological Footprint...

Forest Area Twice the Size of UK ‘Cut Down to Grow Food Since 2010’

An area of forest twice the size of the UK has been cut down since 2010 to set up food plantations.That’s the verdict from Greenpeace International, which claims unsustainable farms supply many...

Most Technologies and Sectors ‘Not Keeping Pace with Long-Term Energy Goals’

Most technologies and sectors are not keeping pace with the long-term goals of the clean energy transition.That’s according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), which suggests many types of energy asset are...

We Have Broader National Awareness of the Need for Personal Engagement

It is a well-known fact that in 2017, the United States of America withdrew from the Paris Agreement. By signing it, states have committed themselves to the fight against climate change but...

Cambridge University Agrees to Explore Fossil Fuel Divestment Plan

The former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has welcomed an “urgent change” by Cambridge University, after it agreed to provide fully costed plans setting out how it could divest multibillion-pound endowments from...



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