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Decarbonisation ‘Must Accelerate to Stay in Line with Paris Agreement’

The shift towards a low carbon energy system must accelerate to stay in line with the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement.That’s the verdict offered in a new report from the International...

Extreme Weather and Climate Events Affected 62m People in 2018

Extreme weather and climate events affected 62 million people in 2018.That’s the conclusion reached in a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which warns the physical signs and socio-economic impacts...

The Past 5 Years Were the Arctic’s Warmest on Record

The Arctic is still warming at twice the rate of anywhere else on Earth, and the region's air temperatures in the past five years between 2014-2018 have exceeded all previous records since 1900, according...

Solar Geoengineering Could Be ‘Remarkably Inexpensive’ – Report

Cooling the Earth by injecting sun-blocking particles into the stratosphere could be “remarkably inexpensive”, according to the most detailed engineering analysis to date.The fear of a rogue nation or military force unilaterally...

Tropics Could Face Six Climate Disasters at Once by 2100

In a year that saw record-breaking heat waves, record-breaking hurricanes and record-breaking wildfires, it's hard to imagine how the future could look any more like a disaster movie than the present. But that is exactly what...

Climate Change Is Making Hurricanes Even More Destructive, Research Finds

Hurricane rainfall could increase by a third and wind speeds boosted by up to 25 knots if global warming continues. Climate change worsened the most destructive hurricanes of recent years, including Katrina, Irma and...

Energy-Hungry Bitcoin Would Be a Climate Disaster, Study Finds

When new technologies like electricity or the dishwasher took off in the 20th century, most of the people racing to adapt them had no idea what trading candles for light bulbs would...

2018 Likely to Rank as Fourth-Hottest Year on Record

After a summer of record-breaking heatwaves and devastating wildfires, 2018 is shaping up to be one of the planet's hottest years in recorded history. From January through September, the average global temperature was 1.39°F above the...

Taxing Carbon May Sound Like a Good Idea But Does It Work?

Exxon Mobil is backing a proposal to tax oil, gas and coal companies for the carbon they emit and redistribute the money raised that way to all Americans. It's also giving a...

6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

We Have 12 years to Limit Climate Change Catastrophe, Warns UN

The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly...

Killer Whales: Why More Than Half World’s Orcas Are Threatened by Leftover Industrial Chemicals

More than half of the world’s killer whales are threatened by a group of toxic industrial chemicals that accumulate in their blubber and can be passed on from mother to calf. That’s...

Taller Plants Moving into Warmer Arctic

The low-lying shrubs, grasses and other plants growing in the Arctic are getting taller. The finding comes from scientists who have analysed three decades of measurements. This data, gathered across Alaska, Canada, Iceland,...

New Study Reconciles a Dispute About How Fast Global Warming Will Happen

Unfortunately, mainstream climate scientists are still right, and we’re running out of time to avoid dangerous global warming. We’re currently on pace to double the carbon dioxide-equivalent (including other greenhouse gases) in the...

Build Walls on Seafloor to Stop Glaciers Melting, Scientists Say

Barriers could halt slide of undersea glaciers and hold back sea level rises predicted to result from global warming. Building walls on the seafloor may become the next frontier of climate science, as...

World’s Largest River Floods Five Times More Often Than It Used to

Extreme floods have become more frequent in the Amazon Basin in just the last two to three decades, according to a new study. After analyzing 113 years of Amazon River levels in Port...



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