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REPowerEU: Joint European Action for More Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy

The European Commission has proposed an outline of a plan to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels well before 2030, starting with gas, in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This plan...

3 Ways the Circular Economy is Vital for the Energy Transition

The circular economy is a system which aims to get the most out of materials, keep products and materials in use and design them to be cycled back into the economy, eliminating...

Hydrogen Economy Hints at New Global Power Dynamics

Rapid growth of the global hydrogen economy can bring significant geoeconomic and geopolitical shifts giving rise to a wave of new interdependencies, according to new analysis by the International Renewable Energy Agency...

It’s Time to Shift to Net-Zero Emissions Plastics

There are two sides to everything - and that goes for plastics, too.Let's start with the positive side. Plastics shape and facilitate the whole of modern life. They are found in everything...

The Round we Must not Lose

Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Chief, Consultant, and MMA fighter – all of these terms describe one person. Luka Strezoski is living proof that anything is possible if you love what...

EV Chargers soon at the OMV Serbia network

OMV and Charge&GO have joined forces to improve the network and availability of chargers for electric vehicles in our country, so you can expect that electric chargers will become available at selected...

Another Wake-Up Call: Sea Ice Loss is Speeding Up

Last week, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirmed the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic, 38C, on 20 June 2020. This warming is causing previously permanently frozen permafrost below ground to thaw. The Arctic...

IMMOFINANZ to reach emission-free status by 2040

IMMOFINANZ is making an important contribution to the fight against climate change with its new Net Zero Emission Strategy. Plans call for a reduction of 60 percent (below the 2019 level) in...

New mobility as a solution for decarbonization of transport in Serbia

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the essential role and necessity of transport, especially when the movement of people, goods, and services is severely limited. Before the crisis, continuous economic growth wasn’t harmonized...

“The Power of Nature” at the Belgrade Fair

The 16th International Energy Fair, the largest annual regional get together of companies, corporations, entrepreneurships, institutions and professionals in the sectors of electricity, coal, oil and gas, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency...

Global survey shows hardly any support for net-zero pledges with carbon offsets

Yet as nations began wrapping up the difficult talks at the UN Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26 in Glasgow, false solutions, such as net-zero offsets and carbon markets ended up on...

Energy and Ecology Together to Strengthen Nature

International Energy Fair is the largest and most respectable annual regional get together of companies, corporations, entrepreneurships, institutions and professionals in the sectors of electricity, coal, oil and gas, renewable energy sources,...

With the Power of Nature to a Better Life

16 th International Energy Fair, which is being held at the Belgrade Fair from the 23 rd to the 25 th of November, comes at a time of deep and global energy...

Secretariat Holds Roundtable on the Future of Hydrogen in Ukraine

This week, the Energy Community Secretariat, in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, organised a strategic stakeholder meeting on the future of hydrogen in Ukraine. The event brought together representatives of...

Comprehensive Assessment on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution Confirms Need for Urgent Global Action

A drastic reduction in unnecessary, avoidable and problematic plastic is crucial to addressing the global pollution crisis, according to a comprehensive assessment released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). An accelerated...

CAN Europe: Reinforced Impetus to the EU Enlargement Process – a Crucial Element for the Climate and Energy Reforms in the Neighbourhood

The European Union released yesterday its annual enlargement country reports on the progress of the Western Balkan states on the road towards joining EU members. Focusing on climate change, the joint message...



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