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Trees Are Migrating West to Escape Climate Change

An individual tree has roots and, of course, it doesn't move. But trees, as a species, do move over time. They migrate in response to environmental challenges, especially climate change. Surprisingly, they...

Caribbean Aims to Be World’s First ‘Climate Smart’ Zone

Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson and Olympic Gold Medal Winner Usain Bolt are backing the Caribbean’s ambition to become the world’s first “climate smart” zone.The athlete helped launch the Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator...

What Is ‘Hothouse Earth’, and How Bad Would Such a Climate Catastrophe Be?

Oceans engulfing coastal cities, coral reefs eliminated and vast swathes of the Earth left completely uninhabitable. This is what we have to look forward to in a future “Hothouse Earth” – a planet...

Domino-Effect of Climate Events Could Move Earth into a ‘Hothouse’ State

A domino-like cascade of melting ice, warming seas, shifting currents and dying forests could tilt the Earth into a “hothouse” state beyond which human efforts to reduce emissions will be increasingly futile,...

Extreme Global Weather Is ‘the Face of Climate Change’ Says Leading Scientist

Exclusive: Prof Michael Mann declares the impacts of global warming are now ‘playing out in real-time’ The extreme heatwaves and wildfires wreaking havoc around the globe are “the face of climate change,” one...

How Coca-Cola and Climate Change Created a Public Health Crisis in a Mexican Town

A lack of drinking water and a surplus of Coca-Cola are causing a public health crisis in the Mexican town of San Cristóbal de las Casas, The New York Times reported Saturday.Some...

Climate Change Poses Threat to UK’s Historic Churches, Trust Warns

The UK’s historic churches are at serious risk from the impact of climate change, including higher levels of rainfall and invasive pests such as termites, according to the National Churches Trust. Roofs,...

Hitting Toughest Climate Target Will Save World $30tn in Damages, Analysis Shows

Achieving the toughest climate change target set in the global Paris agreement will save the world about $30tn in damages, far more than the costs of cutting carbon emissions, according to a...

Climate Change on Track to Cause Major Insect Wipeout, Scientists Warn

Global warming is on track to cause a major wipeout of insects, compounding already severe losses, according to a new analysis. Insects are vital to most ecosystems and a widespread collapse would cause...

The UN Climate Talks Say “Goodbye” to Bonn and “Hello” to Bangkok

May negotiations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in Bonn, Germany, came to an end. They were imprinted by solving the technical difficulties in preparing the ground...

Are Fossil Fuels out of Fashion at the UN Climate Talks?

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) prides itself for including both Parties and Non-party stakeholders in their decision making processes. A perspective that is suspicious towards the legitimacy of...

Report Finds Global Climate Legislation Slowdown Since 2015 Paris Agreement

The place of global climate change legislation has "slowed significantly" since the Paris agreement was formulated in 2015, CBS reported Thursday.This slowdown follows decades of legislative growth, and raises potential concerns about...

Paris Agreement Needs a Boost: Climate Talks Underway in Bonn With 193 Governments

The global climate treaty, the Paris agreement, already ratified by a huge majority of the world's governments, is for the next 10 days in intensive care. That doesn't mean it's in danger of...

‘Business Unusual’ Must Be the Mantra in Bonn as UN Climate Talks Resume Next Week

As the 2018 climate talks kick off under the auspices of the UN next week, "business unusual" must be the mantra delegations need heard resoundingly in Bonn, said the World Wildlife Fund...

Claire Perry to Instruct Committee on Climate Change to Scope Net Zero Goal

UK Climate Minister says government will ask climate watchdog to consider how UK could meet 1.5C Paris target Later this year the UK government will formally ask its official climate experts, the Committee...

Anchovies and Chips: WWF Warns of Climate Threat to Iconic Dishes

Many of the UK's most popular dishes could become much more expensive, or even disappear altogether, over the coming decades as a result of climate impacts. That is the stark warning contained in...



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