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Shipping ‘Progressives’ Call for Industry Carbon Emission Cuts

Many of the world’s biggest shipowners and charterers have called on heads of state to take swift action to force carbon emission cuts on their industry which is the only sector in...

Off-Grid Renewables Offer Unprecedented Opportunity to Achieve 100% Energy Access

More than 500 participants gathered in Nairobi last week for the opening of the third International Off-Grid Renewable Energy Conference (IOREC). Organized by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the conference aims...

Serbia has remarkable wind-based energy generation potential

Energy portal had chance to meet in Novi Sad Mr Henk van den Dool, ambassador of Netherlands in Serbia. We talk to him during  the fair “International days of energetics and investment”...

Methane Progress Should Guide Regulatory Approach

API Upstream Group Director Erik Milito discussed ongoing industry efforts to reduce methane emissions and the risk to emissions reductions progress posed by adding new layers of regulation during testimony this week...

The key challenge for Serbia is to move toward low carbon economy

The author of the text: Miroslav Tadić, UNDP Based on the state of environmental infrastructure  in  the  Republic  of  Serbia  and  the  extrapolation  of  the situation in the countries that have recently become...

Boosting Global Renewables, One Island at a Time

Islands from the Caribbean to the South China Sea are perhaps best known for their beautiful beaches, azure waters and rich sea life, but they are rich in something else as well:...

OSCE Promotes Green Technologies Transfer in Kazakhstan

ASTANA, 14 September 2016 – Promoting the Green Bridge Partnership Initiative (GBPI) with a focus on exchange of green technologies and improved co-operation is the topic of a two-day OSCE-supported international conference...

The World’s First Floating Wind Turbine is in Norway

Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world when it comes to renewable energy sources, the use of oil resources and the profits that the state has of these...

Molecular Signature Shows Plants Are Adapting to Iincreasing Atmospheric CO2

The research, published in the journal Global Change Biology, provides insight into the long-term impacts of rising CO2 and the implications for global food security and nature conservation. Lead author Professor Gail Taylor,...

France passes ‘pioneering’ food waste bill to ban supermarkets from binning unused food

France passes new food waste bill obliging supermarkets to hand over unused food to charity and not destroy leftover products, claiming the law will be "unique in Europe". France is to enact...

Energy Department Announces $15 Million to Advance Algae-based Biofuels and Bioproducts

The Energy Department of USA announced on Friday, up to $15 million for three projects aimed at reducing the production costs of algae-based biofuels and bioproducts through improvements in algal biomass yields....

EIB Agrees New Investment Totalling EUR 7.4 Billion

The Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank  approved EUR 7.4 billion of new financing for 38 projects across Europe and around the world. Negotiations for the approved loans are expected...

Good environmental governance is central to sustainable development and competitive economies, say participants at meeting in Vienna

Good environmental governance and sustainable development - central elements of the economic and environmental dimension of the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to security - are the focus of the two-day 1st Preparatory Meeting...



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