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Oktoberfest ‘Produces 10 Times as Much Methane as Boston’

For the millions of people who descend on Munich for the annual bash, Oktoberfest is a celebration of beer, bands and bratwurst.But as the dust settles for another year on the world’s...

Resalta Completes Lighting Project for bERS in Musachevo

Resalta has completed a lighting renovation project for bERS logistics at their facility in Musachevo, Bulgaria. The client is an industry leader in logistics services, including warehousing, shipping and e-commerce support, with...

All Set for Entering New Markets

In an old wine cellar, in the middle of rolling vineyards at the bottom of the massif of Stara Planina, two brothers were thinking on how to make a course of making...

This Is Why Denmark, Sweden and Germany Are Considering a Meat Tax

Carnivores are in the firing line, with nations including Germany, Denmark and Sweden considering a tax on meat. Advocates of such a plan say the environmental impact, health ramifications and concerns about animal...

Earth Overshoot Day 2019 Is July 29th, the Earliest Ever

On July 29, humanity will have used nature’s resource budget for the entire year, according to Global Footprint Network, an international sustainability organization that has pioneered the Ecological Footprint. The Ecological Footprint...

Europe’s Forests Are Booming and Here’s Why

Around the world, forests are shrinking due to deforestation, urban development and climate change, but in Europe that trend has been reversed. Large areas of the continent have seen a forest boom that...

Massive Reforestation Is Key to Averting a Climate Catastrophe

Restoring the world’s forests on an unprecedented scale is “the best climate change solution available”, according to a new study. The researchers claim that covering 900m hectares of land – roughly the...

UK Accused of Ignoring Obligations on Aviation Emissions

The UK and other EU governments are in breach of international obligations by failing to be open about their policies to tackle emissions from aviation, a coalition of NGOs has said.The group...

Kladovo Gets a New Biomass Heating Plant

Hospital in Kladovo and primary school “Vuk Karadzic”, which houses also a music school and a school for children with special needs, will soon fulfil needs for heating and hot water consumption...

UK Goes Record-Breaking 1,838 Hours Coal-Free Already This Year

The UK has gone a record-breaking 1,838 hours without using coal to generate electricity already this year.The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has highlighted that 2018’s record of 1837.5...

US Defense Operations ‘Create More Emissions Than Sweden’

The defense operations of the US create more greenhouse gas emissions than Sweden and Portugal.That’s the conclusion reached in a new study published by Brown University in Rhode Island, which states the...

Nearly 600 Plant Species ‘Have Gone Extinct in the last 250 Years’

As many as 571 plant species have gone extinct in the last 250 years.That’s according to a new study conducted by researchers at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, which suggests this...

Scotland Smashes Tree Planting Targets

Scotland’s national tree planting targets have been “smashed”. The nation’s Rural Economy Secretary, Fergus Ewing, said new planting was undertaken across 11,200 hectares in 2018, significantly surpassing the 10,000 hectare annual target. The previous...

Greenpeace Protestors Board North Sea Oil Rig in Protest Against BP

Greenpeace climate activists have boarded an oil rig being towed out to the North Sea to protest against continued fossil fuel exploration.Two campaigners climbed onto the 27,000-tonne platform from a boat as...

Big Pharma Emits More Greenhouse Gases Than the Automotive Industry

Rarely does mention of the pharmaceutical industry conjure up images of smoke stacks, pollution and environmental damage.Yet our recent study found the global pharmaceutical industry is not only a significant contributor to...

English Tree Planting Challenge Will Help Plant 130,000 Trees

More than 130,000 trees are to be planted in English towns and cities over the next two years as part of the nation’s battle against global heating.The environment secretary, Michael Gove, will...



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