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ABB is Ready for the Grand Opening

The Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland will be officially inaugurated with an international ceremony presided over by the Swiss Government. At this and the public celebration that will follow, ABB will showcase...

ALEKSANDRA MLADENOVIC: Business sector does not like “green” stories very much

Sustainable development implies balance between the consumption of natural resources and the ability to restore natural systems. There is no precise definition, even in the dictionaries at the beginning of the 20th...

Ireland Targets Big Energy Savings in Schools, Hospitals and Local Government Services

Ireland has set itself a tough energy efficiency target. The country is aiming to achieve energy savings of 33% compared to the overall EU target of 27% by 2030. To do this, the...

Solar Impulse Lands in Pennsylvania

The sun-powered aircraft Solar Impulse has landed in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, after a near-17-hour flight. The plane began the stage on Wednesday in Dayton, Ohio, travelling 1,044km to reach the East Coast...

ABB Electric Propulsion System

ABB today announced the total fuel savings of the entire installed Azipod fleet since being launched is estimated to be more than 700,000 tons. Assuming the average family car uses one ton...

ABB Electric Propulsion System Saved over 700,000 Tons of Fuel for Marine Vessels so far

Zurich, Switzerland, May 24, 2016 – ABB’s environmental friendly Azipod propulsion system brings greater fuel efficiency to diverse shipping segments. ABB today announced the total fuel savings of the entire installed Azipod fleet...

Biodegradable plastic ‘false solution’ for ocean waste problem

Biodegradable plastic water bottles and shopping bags are a false solution to the ubiquitous problem of litter in the oceans, the UN’s top environmental scientist has warned. Most plastic is extremely durable, leading...

Air pollution: Benefits of cycling and walking outweigh harms – study

The health benefits of cycling and walking outweigh the harmful effects of air pollution, a study has suggested.  Air pollution contributes to 40,000 early deaths each year in the UK and we...

Towards Energy Union: The Commission presents sustainable energy security package

The Commission on 16th of February presented its energy security package with necessary proposals to equip the EU for global energy transition as well as to be prepared for possible energy supply...

India introduces car sales tax to combat pollution

India has introduced a new tax on car sales aimed at helping fight high levels of air pollution and congestion. The surprise move, announced by the finance minister, Arun Jaitley, is a...

The First American City to Ban Plastic Water Bottles

Plastic pollution is one of the greatest burdens to the environment. Believe it or not, enough plastic is discarded every year to circle the globe four times. Even worse, it is estimated...

NREL Explains the Higher Cellulolytic Activity of a Vital Microorganism

Researchers at the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the BioEnergy Science Center (BESC) say better understanding of a bacterium could lead to cheaper production of cellulosic ethanol and other...

Governor Cuomo Launches $5 Billion Clean Energy Fund to Grow New York’s Clean Energy Economy

Clean Energy Fund will advance solar, wind, energy efficiency and other clean tech industries to spur economic development and reduce harmful emissions. Today's unprecedented action will result in lower energy costs for...

Paris climate deal could ‘displace millions of forest dwellers’

The Paris climate agreement could make millions of forest dwellers homeless, according to a new analysis. Many developing countries will try to curb carbon emissions by setting aside forested areas as reserves....

Circular economy to have considerable benefits, but challenges remain

The environmental benefits of adopting a circular economy in Europe could be considerable – reducing waste, and minimizing the continent’s heavy dependence on imports of raw materials. A new report published today...

The smart money is going green

Last month, the world reached a landmark agreement on climate change in Paris. This week, business leaders gathered in Davos for the World Economic Forum need to start breathing life into that...



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