Search results for:Red Sea

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Volcanic eruptions slow down climate change – temporarily

Although global concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has continuously increased over the past decade, the mean global surface temperature has not followed the same path. A team of international reseachers,...

France passes ‘pioneering’ food waste bill to ban supermarkets from binning unused food

France passes new food waste bill obliging supermarkets to hand over unused food to charity and not destroy leftover products, claiming the law will be "unique in Europe". France is to enact...

Wind farms do not discourage tourists, economists find

Wind farms do not discourage holidaymakers, according to new research which “puts to bed the myth” that the sight of turbines on the horizon damages tourism. A report by economic consultants said the...

Scientists convert carbon dioxide, create electricity

While the human race will always leave its carbon footprint on the Earth, it must continue to find ways to lessen the impact of its fossil fuel consumption. "Carbon capture" technologies -- chemically...

NASA Satellite Reveals How Much Saharan Dust Feeds Amazon’s Plants

What connects Earth's largest, hottest desert to its largest tropical rain forest? The Sahara Desert is a near-uninterrupted brown band of sand and scrub across the northern third of Africa. The Amazon...

New Neighborhood in Stockholm To Foster Sustainable Development

 One might say that the first Global Environmental Conference was not Rio+20 in 1992, but The United Nations Conference on The Human Environment (UNCHE), which took place in 1972 in Stockholm. Although...

Scientists Turn CO2 Into Fuel With Solar Power

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago believe that they've perfected the art of photosynthetic solar cells. It's a technology that mimics a plant's ability to inhale carbon dioxide and, with...

England’s Plastic Bag Usage Drops 85% Since 5p Charge Introduced

The number of single-use plastic bags used by shoppers in England has plummeted by more than 85% after the introduction of a 5p charge last October, early figures suggest. More than 7bn bags...

From Swords to Solar, a German Town Takes Control of its Energy

The German town of Saerbeck is a swords to solar panels story. Above this former German military ammunition camp, perched atop a metal stem like an oversized stalk of wheat, giant blades...

US Solar Energy Industries Association Releases New Land Leasing Guide

The US Solar Energy Industries Association has published a new guide for landowners interested in leasing their land for use by solar developers. The SEIA Guide to Land Leases for Solar is a...

Addressing Climate Change with Low-Carbon Energy Centers

Last autumn, as part of MIT’s Plan for Action on Climate Change, the Institute announced plans to create Low-Carbon Energy Centers to advance key technologies that will address climate change. Since then,...

Heineken Launches Interactive Sustainability Report

Heineken has released a new sustainability report, and also an interactive experience that not only promotes the company's achievements, but also encourages the visitor to go further. Called Brewing a Better World,...

Together we improve the quality of life

Every day business practice best testifies on the determination of Hemofarm to proactively create sustainable business models by achieving better business results. At the same time they develop the local community in...

Solar Impulse Proves Innovation, Technology and Pioneering Mindset Can Address Global Challenges

Solar Impulse has made history by completing the first ever round-the-world flight powered only by energy from the sun. The plane landed at its starting point in Abu Dhabi at 04:05 am...

EPA Finding Clears Way for Limit on Aircraft Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared that jet engine exhaust endangers public health by contributing to climate change, a key milestone as it works to develop regulations that will cut carbon...

These Are the Cities where the Fewest People Drive to Work

  Nearly 90% of Hong Kong’s residents commute without using a car, while more than 80% of Parisians travel to work on foot, by bike or using public transport, according to research outlined...



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