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Next Three Years Will Decide Fate of Our Planet’s Climate, Experts Warn

Never has the paradox been greater. While the most powerful politician in the world is a climate denier, scientists are now warning that we have just three years to start making radical...

Sunrun Expands Into Seven New States, Nearly Doubles Market Reach

Sunrun, one of the United States’ leading residential solar developers, announced this week that it has recently completed expanding into seven new US state markets, nearly doubling its market reach in just...

China To Install 403 Gigawatts Of Wind Energy Over Next Decade, According To MAKE Consulting

Over the next ten years, China is expected to install an annual average of more than 25 gigawatts of new wind capacity, resulting in a cumulative growth across the decade of about...

More Than 250 US Mayors Commit To 100% Renewable Energy Amidst Adoption Of New Climate Resolution

More than 250 United States mayors have adopted a new bipartisan climate change resolution that includes a push for US cities to commit to 100% renewable energy by 2035, further widening the...

Air Pollution & Dust Cuts Solar Cell Energy Output By Over 25% In Some Parts Of The World, Study Finds

A new study has now quantified the solar cell energy output loss occurring around the world as a result of air pollution and dust — bringing one of the most serious limitations...

Renewable Energy Provides More Electricity Than Nuclear Power In US

Renewable energy sources are now providing more electricity than nuclear power for the first time ever in the United States, according to figures issued by the US Energy Information Administration and highlighted...

Onshore Wind Delivers Almost a Quarter of Northern Ireland’s Power

Onshore wind capacity in Northern Ireland has passed the 1GW mark and is providing nearly a quarter of the country's power, according to the latest generation figures from NI Electricity Networks. Following the...

Sadiq Khan: Gove Must Get a Grip on ‘Life and Death’ Air Pollution Crisis

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has requested an urgent meeting with the new environment secretary, Michael Gove, to urge him to get a grip on Britain's "life and death" air pollution...

118 U.S. Mayors Endorse 100% Renewable Energy Goals

The Sierra Club released a new analysis Friday that found that transitioning all 1,400+ U.S. Conference of Mayors member-cities to 100 percent clean and renewable electricity will significantly reduce electric sector carbon...

Energy Professionals Fear UK Set to Miss Carbon Targets

Energy professionals fear a combination of Brexit and uncertainty over the future of energy and climate policy is hampering the sector's development and increasing the chances of the UK missing its emissions...

Indian Railways Will Install Rooftop Solar Panels On 250 Trains

Indian Railways is going all out to reduce its fuel costs and adopt solar power in a major way. Apart from planning large-scale solar power projects and rooftop solar power systems, the...

Major New Irish Wind Farms Come Online

The power grid in Ireland and Northern Ireland has received a major green energy boost this week, after three wind power projects came online. Gaelectric will today officially open the Inishative and Cregganconroe...

Domestic Appliances Guzzle Far More Energy than Advertised – EU Survey

TVs, dishwashers and fridge freezers have been found to guzzle up to twice as much energy as advertised on their energy labels, in a wide-ranging EU product survey. When tested under real-world conditions,...

Report: Community Energy Projects Powering 130,000 UK Homes

More than 200 community energy organisations are now operating enough solar, hydro and wind schemes across the UK to power 130,000 homes, a new analysis of the nascent sector has revealed. The first...

EU Moves to Restrict Hormone-Disrupting Chemical Found in Plastics

A chemical found in CDs, DVDs, kettles and water bottles could soon be restricted after the EU authorities ruled that it posed a threat to human health because of its effects on...

Wisconsin’s Next Step to Suppress Climate Science

Wisconsin's Republican-controlled government may be moving to control state-produced scientific research and tamp down emphasis on climate, according to a new report. The Wisconsin State Journal reports that Gov. Scott Walker's budget proposal...



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