Search results for:Climate change

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California Wants 5 Million Zero Emissions Cars On Its Roads By 2030

California seeks to preserve its place as the greenest state in America with more cleantech leadership. On January 26, governor Jerry Brown signed an executive order that commits the state to a...

Report: EU Renewables Beat Coal Power for the First Time

New EU renewables generation increased sharply in 2017, but the lion's share of these gains were shouldered by the UK and Germany, demonstrating the "uneven" nature of energy sector decarbonisation across Europe. That...

PwC Pledges to Use 100 Per Cent Renewable Electricity by 2022

PwC has today pledged to switch to 100 per cent renewable power and step up efforts to further reduce its carbon footprint, after confirming it has surpassed all its current climate-related targets. The...

Evian Vows to Become ‘100 Per Cent Circular Brand’ by 2025

Bottled water giant Evian has become the latest high profile brand to announce sweeping plans to crackdown on plastic waste, unveiling a new goal to become a "100 per cent circular brand"...

European Parliament Votes to Strengthen 2030 Renewables Goals and Set ‘Net Zero’ Emission Target

The European Parliament yesterday voted in favour of proposals to significantly strengthen the EU's climate package through to 2030 and beyond, backing a higher renewable energy target, more ambitious binding efficiency goals, and...

US CO2 Emissions Declined During Trump’s First Year as President

What were United States carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions like in 2017, the first year President Donald Trump was in office? Based on preliminary estimates, the Rhodium Group said US emissions declined by...

World’s Coral Reefs Reaching The Point Of No Return

The vast majority of the world’s coral reefs are now reaching the point of no return — the point at which it wouldn’t even theoretically be possible to save them from disappearing...

Dutch Government Confirms Zero-Subsidy Wind Farm Will Go Ahead

The Dutch government's decision to hold the first zero-subsidy auction for offshore wind has paid off, with the government announcing yesterday that bidders have come forward and the site will be developed...

Arctic Experienced 2nd Warmest Year & Lowest Winter Sea Ice Extent On Record In 2017

The Arctic region experienced its second-warmest year (by air temperature) and its lowest winter sea ice extent on record in 2017, according to the 12th edition of NOAA’s Arctic Report Card. The peer-reviewed...

Germany Predicted To Set Renewable Energy Record In 2017

Clean Energy Wire is reporting that renewables will account for 33% of Germany’s total electricity usage once all the numbers for 2017 are in. That’s up from 29% last year. The projections...

One Planet Summit: Schneider Electric and EDF sign up to green goals

Two of France's largest companies yesterday promised to deliver major cuts to their carbon footprint and shift to greener transport technologies, ahead of the One Planet Summit in Paris today. EDF and Schneider...

Meteorologist Warns Collapse of Two Antarctic Glaciers Could Flood Every Coastal City on Earth

Two of Antarctica’s glaciers are holding our civilization hostage, meteorologist Eric Holthaus wrote in a piece for Grist. Pine Island and Thwaites are among the continent’s biggest and fastest-melting glaciers – and...

MATT MCGRATH: Are Vehicles Greener on the Other Side as Well

With Matt McGrath, BBC journalist specialized in reporting on science and ecology, we discussed the steps that are being taken in the United Kingdom to alleviate the apparent climatic changes caused by...

Germany Could Shutter 20 Oldest Brown Coal Plants Without Creating Energy Shortages

Following the most recent election, German chancellor Angela Merkel is faced with the task of forming a coalition government involving the CDU/CSU alliance, the pro-business FDP, and the environmentalist Green Party. The...

European Union Cut Emissions 23% As Economy Grew 53%

Between 1990 and 2016 the European Union has cut greenhouse gas emissions by 23% while at the same time growing its economy by 53%, proving again that environmental action need not negatively...

Report: 1/4 of World’s Oil Refineries Face Closure by 2035 if Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets Are Met

Roughly a quarter of the world’s oil refineries face closure by 2035 if governments around the world manage to actually meet their current greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, according to a new...



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