Search results for:Red Sea

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Is Small-Scale Hydro the Answer To India’s Clean Energy Needs?

In the western Himalayas, the entire village of Hamal is powered by a small hydroelectric plant on the edge of the Shalvi river. Producing 2MW per hour, the plant provides enough power...

Swiss Pilot Plans To Fly Solar Airplane To The Edge Of Space

It might sound like the stuff of science fiction, but a Swiss pilot is preparing to fly to the edge of space in a solar-powered aircraft. According to Wired, Raphël Domjan is...

Report: China Risks Wasting $500bn On Unneeded Coal Plants

China is at risk of wasting almost half a trillion dollars on new coal plants which could quickly become stranded assets as a result of the country's pursuit of a lower carbon...

Costa Coffee Launches In-Store Cup Recycling Scheme

The UK’s largest coffee chain Costa Coffee is to launch a recycling scheme in all of its stores to ensure that as many as possible of its own takeaway cups – and...

Finland Set to Become First Country in the World to Ban Coal

The Finnish government has announced plans to stop using coal, one of the the dirtiest fuels on the planet, by 2030. "Finland is well positioned to be among the first countries in the...

Greenpeace calls timeout for fast fashion

New research on fashion trends and textile waste, released by Greenpeace on the eve of Black Friday, highlights the serious environmental consequences of over consumption. Clothing is among the most sold products...

Grundfos: to Be the Best with the Best

Currently in the world, about 13% of primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources although the technological capacities are significantly higher. Contrary to renewable sources are non-renewable energy sources. They could be...

Calls for greater collaboration to enhance resource efficiency and economic growth

Scientists, industry-leaders and policy-makers gathered in Paris on saturday to discuss the economic potential of resource efficiency, as well as its role in limiting global warming and putting the world on a...

VW Shifts Focus to Electric Cars with US Expansion Plan

Volkswagen said it wants to be the world leader in electric cars by 2025 as it unveiled a major shift to clean-energy vehicles in the wake of the dieselgate emissions cheating scandal. The...

Oil and Gas Companies in North America Less Green Than Those in EU

Oil and gas companies in North America are lagging behind their European counterparts in cleaning up their operations, new research has found, with higher greenhouse gas emissions and less investment in clean...

‘Extraordinarily Hot’ Arctic Temperatures Alarm Scientists

The Arctic is experiencing extraordinarily hot sea surface and air temperatures, which are stopping ice forming and could lead to record lows of sea ice at the north pole next year, according...

Giant 8MW Turbine Delivers First Power From Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm

A giant 8MW offshore wind turbine in Liverpool Bay has delivered power to the grid for the first time, chalking up another important milestone for the UK's offshore wind industry. DONG Energy announced...

Australia Ranked Among Worst Developed Countries for Climate Change Action

Australia has been singled out again as a climate laggard, being ranked fifth-worst for emissions and policies among developed countries and among the six worst countries in the G20 when it comes...

Morocco Lights the Way for Africa on Renewable Energy

As the host of this year’s COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco has been keen to demonstrate its green credentials and make this COP the “African COP”. In the past year, Morocco...

Climate change is changing nature so much it may need ‘human-assisted evolution’, scientists say

Life on Earth has already been fundamentally altered by global warming, affecting the genes of plants and animals and altering every ecosystem on the planet, according to a major review of the...

29% of Water Deemed Unsuitable for Human Consumption in China’s Top Coal Province

We know that Trump digs coal, but of all the fossil fuels, coal is Earth's biggest polluter. The environmental impact of the coal industry is vast and devastating. And now, production of...



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