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Rooftop Solar Lowers Peak Electricity Demand In Australian Heatwave

Households and businesses played a key role in reducing peak demand and capping wholesale electricity costs in South Australia last month, with data showing that rooftop solar played a major role in...

District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels

Heating homes and offices without adding to the dangers of climate change is a major challenge for many cities, but re-imagined district heating is now offering an answer. A district heating scheme is...

India Tenders 1.2 Gigawatts Of Solar Capacity In First Week Of 2018

Giving an overview of what to expected over the next few months, the Solar Energy Corporation of India announced three tenders for solar power projects within the first week of this year. The...

‘My Priority’: Macron Promises to Use Nuclear and Renewables to Deliver Emissions Cuts

Fresh from the success of hosting the One Planet Summit in Paris last week, French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday underscored his commitment to decarbonising the country's energy system. In an interview with broadcaster...

Jovana Mehandžić Đurđić: Free Charging of Electric Cars at IKEA

We have all heard of the Swedish giant IKEA - the world's leading retail chain with a wide range of home decor products. The main concept of IKEA involves developing products that...

US Renewables Matching Nuclear For Now, Soon To Overtake

The US Energy Information Administration last week published its latest ‘Electric Power Monthly’ which reveals US renewable energy is locked in a virtual dead-heat with US nuclear energy, each providing roughly 20%...

Ratings Agency Says India Needs To Do More To Achieve 175 Gigawatts Renewables Target

Delay in payments from utilities, non-compliance with renewable energy procurement targets, and non-availability of transmission infrastructure for power injection are some of the major issues Indian renewable energy developers are facing. These...

Helsinki Airport is Now Carbon-Neutral

The carbon footprint of Helsinki Airport is zero and it has received the international Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) certificate for this achievement. "The ACA certificate awarded to Helsinki Airport is an important milestone...

University of Northampton Opens £6.5m Biomass Energy Centre

The University of Northampton has officially opened a £6.5m Biomass Energy Centre that will help deliver heat and hot water via a district heating network at its Waterside campus. The project saw the...

Study: Solar Heating Could Provide More Than 80% Of Heating Energy For Households In Finland

Up to around ~80% of the heating energy needed for Finnish households could be met through the use of solar energy, depending upon the method of technical implementation, according to a new...

Bangladesh Plans 1.6 Gigawatts Of Solar Projects

Bangladesh is planning to to set up some large-scale solar power projects, the biggest in its history, as it looks to diversify its energy mix and enhance self-sufficiency in the energy sector. According...

Energy efficiency in industry

Application of energy efficiency in industryIn the economic analyses of energy consumption in an industrial plant, the calculation of energy intensity (EI) can serve as an important indicator, representing the ratio of...

World’s Biggest Coal Company Closes 37 Mines as Solar Prices Plummet

The rapid growth in renewable energy continues to put a dent in the demand for coal. Coal India, the world's biggest coal mining company and producer of 82 percent of the country's coal,...

AMSTERDAM: Mobilize for a Clean, Prosperous Future

Amsterdam has ambitious aspirations to slash its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), phase out fossil fuels, and usher in a clean energy future. The city’s sustainability vision is panoramic in scope, encompassing the management...

Reports: South Korea Mulls Pro-Renewables Energy Policy Shift

South Korea's newly-elected government is considering a rapid shift in focus away from coal and nuclear power towards renewables and natural gas, in what would mark a major change in energy policy...

David Suzuki: Plastic Pollution Is Choking the Planet

People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet's life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we're doing to the biosphere—from climate change to water and air...



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