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IKEA UK Rings Up Success on Food Waste, Green Energy and Circular Sofas

IKEA is pressing ahead with plans to become a 'circular retailer' that minimises its waste and encourages customers to reuse and repair its products, according to the company's latest Annual Summary for...

Costa, Greggs, McDonald’s and Starbucks Among Coffee Giants to Sign Cup Recycling Deal

Some of the UK's largest coffee shops have joined forces to battle Britain's cup waste mountain, announcing plans to develop a nationwide recycling system they hope will curb the numbers of takeaway...

Lush Brews Up Recycled Coffee Cup Packaging Breakthrough

The UK's High Street coffee chains may be under fire over the billions of single use coffee cups they produce each year, the vast majority of which are not recycled. But they...

Veolia Unveils ‘Cupcycling’ Scheme to Turn Coffee Cups into Shopping Bags

From today shoppers in Selfridges will be able to give their green credentials a polish thanks to a new partnership between the department store, waste giant Veolia and papermaker James Cropper, which...

EXPLAINED: Tesla’s Patent for Making Solar Shingles Stick Together

How SolarCity’s concept of overlapping solar cells connected by a conductive paste might help Tesla hit its cost and performance targets. One of the biggest questions facing Tesla’s new Solar Roof product is...

Rubbish Acting? Coca-Cola Airs TV Advert Animated Entirely from Recycled Bottles

Coca-Cola has aired its first ever TV advert animated entirely from 100 per cent recycled packaging with the aim of encouraging more consumers to recycle used plastic bottles. The soft drinks giant's 'Love...

Phoenix Launches a Hub for the Circular Economy

The city of Phoenix and nearby Arizona State University are teaming up to launch a public-private incubator focused on finding new uses for waste from textiles, food scraps, batteries and more. Housed at...

Brilliant or Bizarre: The world’s strangest sources of biofuel

Seemingly biofuel can be made out of almost anything, from chocolate to human fat. But what are the weirdest biofuel sources out there? Biofuel can be made from a variety of weird and...

Tesco Pledges to go 100 Per Cent Renewable Powered by 2030

Tesco has become the latest high profile name to join the growing list of major corporations pledging to source 100 per cent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2030 as part...

Myanmar’s Eco-Friendly Startup Transforms Trash into Treasure—and Jobs

Trash is a big problem in Myanmar. Garbage is scattered in the streets with smells of burning trash never far behind—but an innovative social enterprise has found a way to turn that...

Radmila Šerović: Waste Materials of One Industry Will Become Raw Materials of Another

The Chief of the Department for Waste Management at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is Ms Radmila Šerović who has been working in the state administration since 2002. More precisely,...

There’s a Bold New Plan to Make Ocean Trash a Thing of the Past

The way things are going now, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. An ambitious United Nations campaign aims to stop this from happening. On Wednesday, UN Environment announced its...

Green Campaigners Welcome Coca-Cola U-Turn On Bottle and can Recycling Scheme

Coca-Cola has announced it supports testing a deposit return service for drinks cans and bottles, in a major coup for environment and anti-waste campaigners. Executives told an event in Edinburgh on Tuesday evening...

We Produce Biogas and Save up to 140,000 Euros per Year

Plant for the waste water treatment in the Carlsberg beer factory in Čelarevo opened in 2010 in the presence of the top state officials. This brewery is among the first in Serbia...

Greenpeace calls timeout for fast fashion

New research on fashion trends and textile waste, released by Greenpeace on the eve of Black Friday, highlights the serious environmental consequences of over consumption. Clothing is among the most sold products...

Morocco Lights the Way for Africa on Renewable Energy

As the host of this year’s COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco has been keen to demonstrate its green credentials and make this COP the “African COP”. In the past year, Morocco...



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