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Why the World is Missing its Chance for Clean Energy

A green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic would have helped countries to build back better while driving economic growth and job creation. But the latest Renewables 2022 Global Status Report paints a different picture. According to...

North Macedonia Adopts National Energy and Climate Plan, Commits to Accelerate Energy Transition During Secretariat’s Visit to Skopje

Director Artur Lorkowski and Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of North Macedonia, Fatmir Bytyki, agreed to step up cooperation to accelerate the just energy transition during their meeting in Skopje on...

Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnector operational from 1 July

The gas connection between Bulgaria and Greece will start operating on 1 July, with Bulgaria poised to receive one billion cubic meters of gas from Azerbaijan – enough to meet the country’s...

Four Key Climate Change Indicators Break Records in 2021

Four key climate change indicators – greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level rise, ocean heat and ocean acidification – set new records in 2021. This is yet another clear sign that human activities...

EU External Energy Strategy defines Energy Community as Instrument for Ambitious Energy and Climate Policies and Market Reforms

Published by the European Commission, the new EU External Energy Strategy defines the Energy Community as the framework for promoting ambitious energy and climate policies and market reforms. The Strategy is part...

Who’s Afraid of Energy Crisis

The prices of fossil fuels are not standing still yet on the world market, so the kilowatts obtained from them are very expensive. It is clear that for a stable future, we...

Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum Debates Energy Security Amidst Russian invasion of Ukraine

Parliamentarians of the Energy Community Contracting Parties and the European Parliament met in Brussels under the umbrella of the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum. In the presence of EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri...

Kick-off Ceremony Held for Realization of Alexandroupolis FSRU in Greece

The kick-off ceremony for the realization of Gastrade SA's LNG FSRU facility in Alexandroupolis, Greece, was held on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, in the old Storage House of the Alexandroupolis Port Customs. Once...

Let’s Listen To What The Wind Tells Us

The language of the wind is simple. However, although every whistle tells us “healthy environment”, “unlimited green kilowatts”, and “energy stability”, investments in dirty technologies and fossil fuels are still going on. The...

Climate Impact of Flying Could Be Two Thirds Higher Than Thought

The EU’s proposed green aviation law overlooks the true climate cost of flying, with the non-CO2 effects of air travel producing two to four times the impact of carbon emissions, a Green...

Energy and Climate Committee Discusses Way Forward for 2030 Targets

The 8th Energy and Climate Committee met on 12 April in Vienna, in the presence of the EU Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson. The meeting provided an opportunity for Ministers and Deputy...

Energy Transition Holds Key to Tackle Global Energy and Climate Crisis

Short-term interventions addressing the current energy crisis must be accompanied by a steadfast focus on mid- and long-term goals of the energy transition. High fossil fuel prices, energy security concerns and the...

A Country of Technological Innovations and Water Scarcity

It seems that we can learn the most about how to wisely manage resources from countries that do not have them at their disposal to a significant extent. Among those shining examples...

Joint Statement Between the European Commission and the United States on European Energy Security

The United States and the European Commission are committed to reducing Europe's dependency on Russian energy. "We reaffirm our joint commitment to Europe's energy security and sustainability and to accelerating the global transition...

Decarbonised Energy Pathway More Cost Effective than Polluting Alternatives in Central America

A decarbonisation strategy can bring benefits to the Central America region at the same or lower energy system costs than the current planning strategy, according to a new report by the International...

Conference “RES Serbia 2021”

The first conference dedicated to green energy, “RES Serbia 2021”, organized by the Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia Association, supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), was held on...



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