Search results for:clean sources

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Cosmetics with a splash of nature

The cosmetics industry imposes new beauty standards on the consumer society in order to then compete with their competitors in fulfilling these new and imposed demands of the same society. In this...

3 myths about zero waste explained

Waste is becoming an increasingly pressing issue: for our environment, for our societies, and for human health. Moving towards a zero-waste future is not just a lofty goal but a necessity. And...

Energy Week Western Balkans 2023: the agenda is underway and promising a resounding success

As Energy Week Western Balkan is approaching, the conference agenda promises a resounding success. Here is some food for thought to prepare for Day 1 of EWWB. Traditionally, Energy Week has a grand...


Many years of experience in constructing solar power plants have positioned MT-KOMEX as a safe and reliable partner. Engineers and installers employed by the company regularly attend specially prepared trainings and have...

Stepping up in renewables towards energy stability

Alessandro Bragonzi, Head of Regional Hub for the Western Balkans, one of the participants in the OIE Serbia 2023 conference, organized by the Association of Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia, wrote for...

ABB to invest 280 million dollars in its European Robotics hub in Sweden

ABB announced an investment of 280 million dollars to expand its manufacturing footprint in Europe and build a new state-of-the-art ABB Robotics European Campus in Västerås, Sweden. The Campus will serve as...

Energy Week Western Balkans 2023 promises two days of panel discussions, B2B & B2G meetings and endless networking opportunities

Let's review what awaits us on Day 2 of this premier investment conference in the Western Balkans! Renewable energy revenue streams The promotion and facilitation of renewable energy trading and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)...

Doubling energy investment in Africa requires urgent action to bring down financing costs and boost access to capital

New report outlines innovative solutions for African countries to unleash the spending needed to achieve the continent’s energy and climate goals. Swift action to improve access to capital and ease financing costs is...

How India’s climate leadership is building a better future for all

India is poised to be a global leader when it comes to economy, technology and trade. Now, it has an opportunity to seize the moment and help the world address climate change...

Building a sustainable future of the Western Balkans

The business gathering entitled,, POWER OF SUSTAINABILITY 2023'' Festival which will be held in Mostar on September 21/22, 2023. is a continuation of business networking activities organized by the Foreign Investors Council...

Declining electricity consumption in advanced economies is weighing on global demand growth this year

EU electricity demand set to drop to lowest level in 20 years, but with global consumption expected to increase strongly in 2024, growth of renewables is more important than ever. Overall growth in...


Renewable energy sources have become an inevitable topic, especially in the last year, yet it seems that contemplating them is reduced to very few sources. Solar energy could take the first place...

Charging ahead: How to unlock the electric vehicle revolution

With 68 percent of people expected to live in cities by 2050, urban areas will be at the heart of the electric vehicle (EV) transition, which is well underway. The adoption of...

Co-operation across borders is key to building interconnected power systems of the future

Designers of energy systems have traditionally thought locally or nationally. But as adoption of renewable energy grows rapidly, building power systems that operate across borders will become increasingly essential. Integrating power systems at...


Serbia is making significant strides toward a cleaner and more efficient energy future with the support of the German government within the framework of the German Development Cooperation program. PROMOTION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY...

Watts to Wheels: Why EV-Battery Innovation is Key to Sparking a Renewable Revolution

Increasing the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) is a fundamental part of accelerating the renewables-based energy transition and getting us onto the 1.5°C pathway. The uptake of EVs holds the potential to...



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