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The Union of Employers of the Republic of Srpska, with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, organizes the Banjaluka Energy Forum – Let’s save...

Clear skies for a sustainable future: how innovation can accelerate aviation’s net-zero journey

In a world where the urgency of combating climate change has reached new heights, few industries face as much scrutiny as the aviation sector. The skies have traditionally symbolized limitless potential, yet...

Energetik energija – Meeting with the Producers – Sungrow and K2

Energetik energija d.o.o. announces the long-awaited educational meeting on September 21. This "Meet the Producers - Sungrove and K2" promises to be an enriching experience for all present. During this informative session, we...


The establishment of the Centre for Excellence for Hydrogen and Renewable Energy, CONVINCE, results from systematic long-term research in materials for use in energy and environmental protection at the Vinča Nuclear Research...

Charging ahead: How to unlock the electric vehicle revolution

With 68 percent of people expected to live in cities by 2050, urban areas will be at the heart of the electric vehicle (EV) transition, which is well underway. The adoption of...

Co-operation across borders is key to building interconnected power systems of the future

Designers of energy systems have traditionally thought locally or nationally. But as adoption of renewable energy grows rapidly, building power systems that operate across borders will become increasingly essential. Integrating power systems at...

Young people hold the key to Africa’s green economy

Young people across the world are struggling to find meaningful work, with over 73 million unemployed youth globally. But nowhere is this problem more acute than in rural areas of developing countries...

Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS): Advancing Women in Meteorology and Hydrology

Women make up 49.7 per cent of the global population, yet they are often ignored, and their rights violated. The result is a world that excludes and marginalizes half the population of...

From polluter to grid service provider: How your car can help power the energy transition

It is common knowledge that electric vehicles (EVs) are cleaner alternatives to conventional vehicles. However, their role in the energy transition extends beyond cutting direct emissions, underlining their crucial importance. This is...

Boosting Waste Separation: Novi Pazar and Mojkovac to Receive 2,000 Bins

Novi Pazar and Mojkovac are taking a significant step towards sustainable waste management with the upcoming arrival of 2,000 additional containers dedicated to separating packaging waste and a recycling press. Supported by...


The Republic of Croatia has been strongly encouraging the use of renewable energy sources (RES) for some time now. According to EUROSTAT data for 2021, RES had a 31.3 per cent share...

Low-cost solutions can give billions access to modern cooking by 2030, but the world is failing to deliver

Nearly one in three people around the world still cook their meals over open fires or on basic stoves, resulting in significant damage to health, living standards and gender equality – and...

Global coal demand set to remain at record levels in 2023

Global coal consumption climbed to a new all-time high in 2022 and will stay near that record level this year as strong growth in Asia for both power generation and industrial applications...

SKE is building Europe’s largest logistics center for power storage solutions and photovoltaic products in Austria

SKE is one of the leading companies in the European solar market. From Upper Austria, the photovoltaic specialist supplies 16 countries in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe with smart solar products. SKE...

The transformative power of shared knowledge: Energetik energija unforgettable live technical training event in Belgrade

In collaboration with SolarEdge, Energetik energija d.o.o. organized a truly remarkable live educational training event in the beautiful city of Belgrade on July 6, 2023.  ''We were amazed by the overwhelming number of...

2023 Strategic Foresight Report: sustainability and wellbeing at the heart of Europe’s Open Strategic Autonomy

Today, the European Commission presented the 2023 Strategic Foresight Report, which analyses how to put ‘sustainability and people's wellbeing at the heart of Europe's Open Strategic Autonomy' and suggests ten concrete actions...



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