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Green Capital in 10 year

The development of rail transport, purchase of electric buses and trams, construction of water waste treatment facility, thermal rehabilitation of buildings, introduction of public bicycle system, bicycle trails expansion, building 10,000 m²...

The Unbearable Lightness of Ordering Food

As one would expect, nothing has been the same since last year. When it comes to common activities such as going to work, shopping, or a favourite restaurant, we are slowly getting...

Support to Scale up Renovation of Private Residential Buildings and Cut Emissions

Addressing a core issue in the effort to improve the use of energy in Lithuania, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is lending EUR 67.5 million to support an innovative...

How composting can reduce our impact on the planet

Every year, across the world, 1,3 billion tones of food is either lost or wasted, says the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Food Waste Index. With world hunger on this rise due to the...

Empowering “Smart Cities” Toward Net Zero Emissions

The world’s cities can play a central role to accelerate progress towards clean, low-carbon, resilient and inclusive energy systems. This idea is recognized by climate and energy ministers from G20 nations who...

Hydropower Has a Crucial Role in Accelerating Clean Energy Transitions to Achieve Countries’ Climate Ambitions Securely

The growth of hydropower plants worldwide is set to slow significantly this decade, putting at risk the ambitions of countries across the globe to reach net-zero emissions while ensuring reliable and affordable...

Pollution From Farming and Harbours Imperils Coastal Habitats: New Report

The plants and animals that live along the world’s coasts are coming under increased pressure from pollution tied to harbours, agriculture, and fish and shrimp farming, warns a new report from the...

Three Ways the US can Act on the Plastic Waste Crisis and Protect our Oceans

An exorbitant amount of plastic waste continues to plague our oceans, threatening marine life and the people who depend on these waters for their livelihoods. An estimated 11 million metric tons of...

Back to Nature in the Big City

“Nature-based solutions” is a term for all solutions that use the natural world to mitigate the effects of climate change. It sounds rural, but the phrase covers multiple possibilities, from tree planting...

Plant Pandemics are Affecting up to 30 percent of Major Food Crops – and They’re Getting Worse

Plant disease surveillance, improved detection systems, and global predictive disease modeling are necessary to mitigate future disease outbreaks and protect the global food supply, according to a team of researchers. Plant diseases don’t...

Seagrass meadows, coral reefs and destructive fishing

A remote area in the middle of the Indian Ocean, between the Seychelles and Mauritius, this underwater plateau the size of Belgium is home to the world’s largest seagrass meadow, some of...

How Rivals Can Work Together to Stop Plastic Waste

Rivals – traditionally - tend not to work together. This approach can help companies stay distinct as one-of-a-kind innovators and maintain competitive advantages. It can even protect consumers’ interests. Legislation exists across...

Bees, Bans and Broad-Spectrum Pesticides

Bees and other pollinators are increasingly under threat from human activities. To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN marks May 20 as World...

100 MW Solar Plant to be Put Into Operation Near Samarkand

The government of Uzbekistan’s plans to develop 8 GW of solar and wind capacity by 2030 have received a major boost following the approval of an EUR 87.4 million financing package jointly...

How Solar Power is Helping a Community and Jaguars

In ancient times, jaguars roaming the southeast jungles of Mexico symbolized power. The Mayas considered them sacred animals with links to the underworld due to their nocturnal habits. Today, Mexico is home to...

Collaborative Partnership on Forests Calls for Halt to Deforestation

A group of 15 international organizations working on forestry today issued a joint statement highlighting the need to halt the destruction of the world’s forests. The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) comprises UN...



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