Search results for:fossil energy

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Worldwide Clean Energy Investments Hit $333.5 Billion Last Year

Global investment in renewable energy hit $333.5 billion in 2018, the second-highest on record, according to a new analysis from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). That's a 3 percent jump from 2016 and...

District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels

Heating homes and offices without adding to the dangers of climate change is a major challenge for many cities, but re-imagined district heating is now offering an answer. A district heating scheme is...

All Renewables Will Be Cost Competitive With Fossil Fuels by 2020

Generating electricity from renewable energy sources is not only better for the environment compared to fossil fuels, but it will also be consistently cheaper in just a few years, according to a...

China Sitting Pretty To Dominate New Clean Energy Future, Claims IEEFA

With the United States pulling out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, China has solidified its position as the dominant global clean energy powerhouse in 2017, and is set to lead the...

‘Clean Energy Is a Fundamental Civil Right’: Major Campaign to Expand Access to Solar

The NAACP is launching a major environmental justice campaign on Jan. 13 to mark the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. The "Solar Equity Initiative" aims to provide solar job skills training...

Germany Had So Much Renewable Energy Over Christmas It Had to Pay People to Use It

People in Germany essentially got paid to use electricity on Christmas. Electricity prices in the country went negative for many customers - as in, below zero - on Sunday and Monday, because the...

Nikola Rajaković: Will Conventional Energy in Serbia Be Able to Respond to the Challenge of Electromobility?

It became clear to all of us that the Republic of Serbia is seriously preparing for the transport transformation - from traditional fossil fuels vehicles to sustainable electric and hybrid cars, buses,...

Low-Carbon Electricity Outstrips Fossil Fuel Electricity in 2017

2017 was a record-breaking year for clean electricity in the UK, with new analysis from Carbon Brief today revealing more power came from low-carbon sources than all fossil fuels combined for the...

UK Clean Energy Records Make 2017 ‘Greenest Year Ever’

This year is set to be the “greenest ever” for the UK, according to data provided by the National Grid. Over the course of 2017, 13 different renewable energy records have been broken. “It’s...

PROJECT “Sustainable Energy for South East Europe“

There is a justifiable fear that South East Europe will lose its pace with the rest of the continent if it does not adopt a long-lasting and far-reaching strategy of investing in...

Power Potential of Renewable Energy Sources Being Harmed by Climate Change

Climate change is affecting wind energy’s potential to provide power, diminishing a renewable energy source that scientists and policymakers are counting on to replace fossil fuels, according to two scientific studies. The world...

100% Renewable Energy Worldwide Isn’t Just Possible—It’s Also More Cost-Effective

Transitioning the world to 100 percent renewable electricity isn't just some environmentalist pipe dream—it's "feasible at every hour throughout the year" and is more cost-effective than the current system, which largely relies...

Scotland promises 50 per cent clean energy by 2030 under first ever Energy Strategy

The Scottish government has unveiled sweeping new plans to scale up the use of renewable fuel in electricity, transport and heat across the country, under its first ever Energy Strategy. The Strategy, released...

France Bans All Fossil Fuel Extraction & Fracking

This is a story that leaves people scratching their heads. The French parliament has passed a new law banning fossil fuel extraction within its borders, or in any of its territories, by...

Germany Predicted To Set Renewable Energy Record In 2017

Clean Energy Wire is reporting that renewables will account for 33% of Germany’s total electricity usage once all the numbers for 2017 are in. That’s up from 29% last year. The projections...

Bitcoin’s Energy Cost Is Huge and Growing

Bitcoin has been in the limelight for years, but in the last few months it has been rapidly increasing in value. A year ago, Bitcoin was worth less than a thousand dollars...



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