Search results for:Red Sea

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Air Quality in Holy City of Varanasi ‘Most Toxic in India’

Air quality in the Indian holy city of Varanasi is “the most toxic in the country” according to research that reveals the extent of the pollution crisis across northern India. There has been...

Clean Energy Jobs Increasing, Fossil Fuel Jobs Decreasing, Says IRENA

IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, says the trend is clear. Jobs in clean energy industries like solar, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric are increasing while jobs in oil, natural gas, and coal...

New Challenges and Goals in the Renewable Energy- and Environmental Business in the Western Balkans

After a very successful market introduction of RENEXPO® trade fairs and conferences for international experts, industry and inv estors in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Myriam Dobrota opens a new chapter in...

Green Gold: Growing Jet Fuel in the Desert

Thirty kilometres from the bustle of downtown Abu Dhabi, lies a remarkable undertaking that could one day change the environmental impact of air travel. Set on a two-hectare farm down the road from...

Five West African Countries Ban ‘Dirty Diesel’ From Europe

Five west African countries have announced measures to end the practice of European oil companies and traders exporting “African quality” diesel – highly polluting fuels that could never be sold in Europe. Swiss...

London Mayor To Double Funding To Tackle Air Pollution

Campaigners, health charities and neighbourhood groups have welcomed plans by the London mayor, Sadiq Khan, to more than double funding to clean up the capital’s dirty air. London is one of the most...

IAEA Mission Says Italy Committed to Nuclear Oversight; Needs to Further Develop Policies on Decommissioning and Waste Management

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of safety experts said Italy is committed to effective nuclear regulatory oversight but faces challenges related to resources and needs to further develop policies for...

Australia’s Energy Transmission Industry Calls for Carbon Trading

Australia’s electricity and gas transmission industry is calling on the Turnbull government to implement a form of carbon trading in the national electricity market by 2022 and review the scope for economy-wide...

Adani Coal Mine: Green Groups Fume over Plan for $1b Federal Loan

The environmental movement is up in arms over a move towards federal funding of up to $1b for a railway that will serve Adani’s proposed Queensland coal mine. A $2.2b rail link to...

Cities Are Crucial to the Future of Energy

Last month, politicians, energy executives, and energy experts met in Istanbul for the 23rd World Energy Congress. A new report written by Arup for the congress outlines that although cities consume the...

Solar Is Booming… Costs Keep Falling

Today, solar power is everywhere. It's on your neighbor's roof and in tiny portable cellphone chargers. There are even solar powered roads. And as solar power heats up, prices are going down....

Off-grid Solar to Help Myanmar Bring Electricity to All by 2030

Four feet in length, of aggressive disposition, and deadly poisonous: you don’t want to stand on a Russell’s viper in the dark. Especially if there’s no antivenom for miles around. Yet that’s...

Sun Setting on Japan’s Solar Energy Boom

The sun is setting on Japan's clean-energy boom, despite projects like a massive floating solar farm near Tokyo, as the government cuts subsidies and bets on nuclear and coal-fired power, critics say. Workers...

OMV Group Report January – September and Q3 2016

“OMV continues to deliver on its strategic targets. We further optimized our portfolio by selling a 49% stake in Gas Connect Austria, the gas transportation business. This will bring us sales proceeds...

Clean Energy for All Europeans – unlocking Europe’s growth potential

The European Commission today presents a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition is changing the global energy markets. The Commission wants the EU to lead...

French nuclear power in ‘worst situation ever’, says former EDF director

In the week Britain exports electricity to France for first time in four years, Gérard Magnin says renewable power will match Hinkley Point C on cost. Gérard Magnin, who called Hinkley “very risky”...



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