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Ford Hits Manufacturing Emissions Target Eight Years Early

Ford Motor Company said it has achieved its manufacturing emissions reduction target eight years ahead of schedule. The car manufacturer has set a goal to cut emissions by 30% per vehicle produced by...

One Football Pitch of Forest Lost every Second in 2017, Data Reveals

The world lost more than one football pitch of forest every second in 2017, according to new data from a global satellite survey, adding up to an area equivalent to the whole...

Dusan Stokic: Company’s Reputation and Ethical Operation Influence its Competitiveness

With talked with Dusan Stokic, Head of Department for Environmental Protection, Technical Regulations, Quality and Social Responsibility in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, about the activities of this National Center for assistance...

Bumblebees Thrive in Towns more than Countryside

Bumblebee colonies fare better in villages and cities than in fields, research has revealed.Bumblebees are important pollinators, but face threats including habitat loss, climate change, pesticide and fungicide use and parasites. Now...

Toronto Pay-What-You-Can Store Aims to Tackle Landfills and Hunger

In a bright, airy Toronto market, the shelves are laden with everything from organic produce to pre-made meals and pet food. What shoppers won’t find, however, is price tags. In what is...

Mumbai Bans Plastic Bags and Bottles

Mumbai has the become the largest Indian city to ban single-use plastics, with residents caught using plastic bags, cups or bottles to face penalties of up to 25,000 rupees (£276) and three...

Plans for ‘Green Corridor’ along HS2 Railway Line

Plans to deliver a “green corridor” with seven million new trees and shrubs alongside the High Speed Two (HS2) railway line have been set out.The Phase One route, which covers 216km from...

Coral Reefs ‘Will Be Overwhelmed by Rising Oceans’

Scientists have uncovered a new threat to the world’s endangered coral reefs. They have found that most are incapable of growing quickly enough to compensate for rising sea levels triggered by global...

Cocaine in Rivers Harming Endangered Eels

Tiny amounts of cocaine flushed into rivers cause eels to become not only hyperactive but to suffer from muscle wastage, impaired gills and hormonal changes, a study has found.The impact of traces...

RepAir T-shirt Cleans the Air while You Wear It

Italian fashion company Kloters has created a T-shirt that cleans the air through a specially designed insert capable of capturing and disintegrating pollutants and foul odors. Called RepAir, the shirt was designed...

Uber to Boost EV Network With Driver Incentives

 Uber launched a new program to increase access to electric vehicles for drivers and riders, the company announced Tuesday.The "EV Champions Initiative" offers financial incentives to some EV drivers; an in-app feature...

These Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging Are Getting Into Your Meals

On a busy weeknight, takeout and fast food are easy dinner time solutions. But your family's favorite on-the-go meal may come with a side of toxic fluorinated chemicals.Per- and polyfluoralkyl substances, or...

ORCA: Nature in the Service of Agriculture

In the interview with Elvir Burazerovic, General Manager of NGO ORCA, we found out what is necessary to do in order to make our agriculture sustainable, as well as what ORCA is...

High Risk of Food Shortages without Pesticides, Says Chemical Giant

The world is likely to face food shortages within 20 years if pesticides and genetically modified crops are shunned, according to the head of the world’s biggest pesticide manufacturer. J Erik Fyrwald, CEO...

Antarctic Ice Melting Faster than ever, Studies Show

Ice in the Antarctic is melting at a record-breaking rate and the subsequent sea rises could have catastrophic consequences for cities around the world, according to two new studies.A report led by...

Starbucks Urged to Cut Ties With Hong Kong Chain That Still Serves Shark Fin

Starbucks is being pressured to cut ties with popular Hong Kong restaurant chain Maxim's Caterers Limited over its offering of dishes with shark fin.Maxim's said it phased out the controversial product in...



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