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Renewables are Stronger than Ever as They Power Through the Pandemic

Renewable sources of electricity such as wind and solar grew at their fastest rate in two decades in 2020 and are set to expand in coming years at a much faster pace...

Four Laws on Energy and Mining Were on the Agenda of the Serbian Parliament

Yesterday, two new laws were discussed - on the use of renewable energy sources, and energy efficiency and rational use of energy, as well as the amendments to the Law on Energy...

What’s So Important About Mini-Grids?

To power a drill, run a lathe, turn a mill or work a pump, a thriving business needs electricity. Without it, the work must be done by hand. Six hundred million people living...

Motorised Transport: Train, Plane, Road or Boat — Which is Greenest?

Traveling by plane, train or automobile: the most environmentally sound choice may not always be clear. The latest annual Transport and Environment Report 2020 (TERM) addresses the issue assessing the value of...

Second SEEGAS Stakeholder Meeting Generates Widespread Interest in Boosting Regional Gas Market Cooperation

Gas experts continued their efforts to harmonise views and practices in relation to the development of a common and integrated South East and East European gas market during the second SEEGAS Stakeholder...

Innovation and Market Reform Needed to Drive Japan’s Clean Energy Transition, IEA Policy Review Finds

New report notes Japan’s success in making its energy system more resilient and sustainable, but says reaching carbon-neutrality by 2050 requires quick action now. Japan will need to move quickly to make headway...

Make Charles Darwin Proud: Save the Galapagos From Your Living Room

The Galapagos Islands, off the west coast of Ecuador, are among the most important bastions of nature on our planet. The diversity of life here--hammerhead sharks, Galapagos penguins and blue-footed boobies among...

This Electric Car Battery Takes the Same Time to Charge as Filling up With Gas

An electric-car battery that can be charged in five minutes, the amount of time it takes to fill up a tank of gas, has been produced for the first time in a...

Offshore Oil and Gas on the Gulf Coast: Mitigating Risks with Data

In 2016, the US offshore oil and natural gas industries—which are heavily concentrated in the Gulf of Mexico— contributed 315,000 jobs and USD 30 billion to the US economy. These industries are...

Sustainability: What Are the Alternatives to Economic Growth?

The EEA briefing 'Growth without economic growth' presents an overview of the various ideas about progress beyond economic growth. Economic growth is closely linked to increasing production, consumption and resource use, which has...

A Rebound in Global Coal Demand in 2021 is Set to be Short-Lived, but no Immediate Decline in Sight

After a major drop in recent years, global coal demand is forecast to rise by 2.6 percent in 2021 before flattening out to 2025. A global economic recovery in 2021 is expected to...

IRENA and African Development Bank Partner to Scale up Renewables Investments in Africa

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the African Development Bank (AfDB), have agreed to work closely together to advance the continent’s energy transition through joint initiatives that support investments in low-carbon...

Release of Naftogaz’s Gas Key for Continuation of Gas Market Reforms in Ukraine

Ukraine has achieved significant milestones towards gas market liberalization and the development of a stable gas hub in the last years. However, certain elements remain that hinder full market liberalization and competition...

The East African Rift: Realising the Region’s Geothermal Potential

The East African Rift System (EARS) is one of the largest rifts in the world. Characterised by a spreading crust, the tectonically active region spans 6,400 kilometres in length and up to...

Advanced Marine Technology From ABB Pioneers Emissions Reduction On the Waterfront

Thriving port cities and the vessels that serve them have been drivers of economic growth for decades, even centuries. Today the role played by ports and ferries in improving the environment of...

EBRD supports green transition of Poland’s electricity producer Tauron

Tauron Polska Energia, one of the largest energy firms in Poland, is moving from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...



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