Search results for:climate changE

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Mexico, Canada, U.S. to Make Clean Power Pledge

The U.S., Mexico and Canada are expected to pledge Wednesday to collectively generate 50 percent of their electricity from zero-carbon sources by 2025, according to White House officials. The agreement is expected to...

Scientists Plead with Australia to Get Off Coal to Save the Great Barrier Reef

Coral reefs around the world are in a dire predicament, as warmer-than-usual waters are causing widespread bleaching and death among these crucial marine organisms. Now, more than 2,500 marine scientists and policy...

Researchers Assess Power Plants that Convert all of their CO2 Emissions into Carbon Nanotubes

Last year, researchers at George Washington University proposed a method for transforming CO2 emissions into carbon nanotubes (CNTs). When applied to power plants, the technology could completely eliminate the power plants' CO2...

Harvard Study Finds $38 Billion of Public Health Benefits from Carbon Reduction Rule

While the Clean Power Plan (CPP) works its way through the court system, researchers continue to look into what it could mean for consumers. The results of a new Harvard study show there’s...

Antarctic CO2 Hits 400ppm for the First Time in 4m Years

We’re officially living in a new world. Carbon dioxide has been steadily rising since the start of the Industrial Revolution, setting a new high year after year. There’s a notable new entry to...

Energy Department Invests $82 Million to Advanced Nuclear Technology

Last Monday the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced over $82 million in nuclear energy research, facility access, crosscutting technology development, and infrastructure awards in 28 states. In total, 93 projects were...

Environmental projects of UEFA Euro 2016

Organising an event on the scale of UEFA EURO 2016 is an environmental challenge, thus the organisation of the event started in 2014. Each of the organisational domains involved in the tournament (including...

A Look at Samsung’s Environmental Activities Around the World

As the planet faces a growing list of problems, from climate change and pollution to environmental degradation and resource depletion, the preservation and conservation of the environment has never been more significant. Recognizing...

UK Should ‘Shut down all Coal Power Plants Two Years before 2025 Pledge’

The UK should close all its coal-fired power stations two years earlier than the government’s pledge of 2025, according to green Conservatives including former energy minister Lord Greg Barker. The move would not...

Never Give Up

RENEXPO® Water Management will be held from 06th to 08th June 2016 in Holiday Inn Hotel, in Belgrade. Therefore, we interviewed Mrs Myriam Fridman Dobrota, who has been preparing with REECO team numerous...

ALEKSANDRA MLADENOVIC: Business sector does not like “green” stories very much

Sustainable development implies balance between the consumption of natural resources and the ability to restore natural systems. There is no precise definition, even in the dictionaries at the beginning of the 20th...

Ontario Investing up to $900M in Energy Retrofits for Social Housing, Private Residential Apartment Buildings

Climate Change Action Plan will reduce GHGs, create jobs, support sustainable communities. Ontario is leading the fight against climate change by investing up to $900 million over four years from cap and trade...

HEINEKEN-UNIDO Partnership Supports Sustainability in Developing Markets

By 2030 the world is expected to require 40 per cent more water and 50 per cent more energy. Population growth, changing lifestyles and climate change will place increasing pressure on the...

100 MW-AC Solar Project to Power the Santiago Metro

SunPower and Total’s Pelican solar project will supply 42% of the subway system’s electricity needs, and a wind plant will supply another 18%. Today SunPower, Total and Chilean President Michelle Bachelet announced a...

World Could Warm 8 Degrees Celsius If All Fosil Fuel Reserves Burned

As nations meet in Bonn, Germany this week to hash out how to achieve the 2-degree Celsius goal they set in Paris, new research is providing policymakers a glimpse of what would...

Germany Just Produced So Much Renewable Energy That It Had To Pay People To Use It

Electricity bills are often ludicrously high thanks to our energy-intensive modern world, but every now and then, thanks to the forces of nature, a metaphorical miracle takes place. As reported by Quartz,...



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