Search results for:wildlife

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Exotic Pets Are Most Likely to Be Released in the Wild and Become Invasive Species

With imports of Fish and Wildlife-regulated reptiles exceeding one million individuals each year, it is no surprise that many of these animals are finding their way into the wild, where they are...

After Plastic Straws, Are Balloons Next To Go?

We get it. Balloons are fun and make great decorations. But we hate to burst your bubble—balloons can be a big problem when they are deliberately released into the environment. The litter is...

Wild-Caught Elephants Can Die Up to 7 Years Earlier

For the study, published Tuesday in Nature Communications, researchers studied records of 5,000 timber elephants in Myanmar to understand the effects of capture. They determined that capturing and taming wild-caught elephants resulted...

Lemurs Are the Most Endangered Species of Primate on the Planet

Approximately 94% of the 111 species and subspecies of lemur are under threat of extinction in their native country of Madagascar – the only place they exist outside of captivity. Of the...

Carbon Emissions Could Throw Europe back to Tropical Climate last Seen 50 Million Years ago

Temperatures seen during recent heatwave likely to become norm by end of century, according to comparison with ancient conditions. Spiralling carbon dioxide emissions could give parts of Europe the kind of tropical climate...

‘Unlike Many Other Air Pollutants, Ammonia Emissions Have Increased since 2013’

The Environment Agency says farmers must take the lead by changing their land management practices Unlike many other air pollutants, emissions of ammonia have increased since 2013. That’s the verdict from the Environment Agency,...

Almost all World’s Oceans Damaged by Human Impact, Study Finds

The remaining wilderness areas, mostly in the remote Pacific and at the poles, need urgent protection from fishing and pollution, scientists say. Just 13% of the world’s oceans remain untouched by the damaging...

Even Polar Bear Cubs Can’t Escape Plastic Pollution

Plastic bags are often stamped with an all-caps warning: This bag is not a toy. Unfortunately, polar bear moms don't have much control over their kids' playthings. British wildlife photographer Kevin Morgans recently...

Can Norway Help Us Solve the Plastic Crisis, One Bottle at a Time?

Tens of thousands of brightly coloured plastic drinks bottles tumble from the back of a truck on to a conveyor belt before disappearing slowly inside a warehouse on the outskirts of Oslo.As...

Eight of 14 Rhinos Die after Move to Kenyan National Park

Eight out of 14 critically endangered black rhinos have died after being moved to a reserve in southern Kenya, wildlife officials have revealed, in what one conservationist described as “a complete disaster”.Preliminary...

This Floating Park in Rotterdam is Made from Recycled Plastic Waste

More than 1,000 square feet of plastic ultimately destined to pollute the ocean is getting a second lease on life in Rotterdam. On July 4, 2018, Recycled Island Foundation opened its prototype...

Scientists Grow First Test-Tube Rhino Embryo in Bid to Save Northern White Rhinos from Extinction

When the world's last remaining male northern white rhino (NWR) died in March, it seemed like the end of the line for the most endangered mammal on the planet.But, in a bid...

World’s First Beluga Whale Sanctuary Will Welcome New Arrivals

In 2019, two beluga whales, named Little Grey and Little White, will be transported from the Changfeng Ocean World aquarium in Shanghai to the world’s first whale sanctuary in a protected bay...

A Massive Five-Ton Plastic Waste Whale Rises Up from the Bruges Canals (VIDEO)

Near the statue of Jan Van Eyck, Skyscraper (the Bruges Whale) rises up from the Bruges canals. The gigantic sculpture is more than just a representation of a whale; the animal is...

One Football Pitch of Forest Lost every Second in 2017, Data Reveals

The world lost more than one football pitch of forest every second in 2017, according to new data from a global satellite survey, adding up to an area equivalent to the whole...

Plans for ‘Green Corridor’ along HS2 Railway Line

Plans to deliver a “green corridor” with seven million new trees and shrubs alongside the High Speed Two (HS2) railway line have been set out.The Phase One route, which covers 216km from...



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