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Record Amounts of Green Energy Added to Global Grid in 2016

The world is still building new wind and solar farms at breakneck speed despite a slowdown in investment coming into the sector, new figures published today by REN21 reveal. A record 161GW of...

Could Biomimicry Revolutionise Renewable Energy?

A host of new technologies have been inspired by the natural world, as designers increasingly look to biomimicry when to creating new ideas for wind turbines, solar cells and hydropower. So could...

Researchers At Australia’s University Of Newcastle Testing Printed Solar Panels

A team of researchers headed by Professor Paul Dastoor at the University of Newcastle in Australia has begun testing printed solar panels. The experimental panels are made by printing a special electronic...

Denmark to Build Offshore Wind Turbine Higher than Eiffel Tower

Manufacturers led by Siemens AG are working to almost double the capacity of the current range of turbines, which already have wing spans that surpass those of the largest jumbo jets. The...

Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano: Green Climate Fund Will Be the Biggest Financial Mechanism

Climate change is a global problem and the obligation of each country is to actively participate in the fight against all these changes. Serbia plans to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement by...

Sea Ice Falls to Record Lows in Both the Arctic and Antarctic

The Arctic and Antarctic have experienced record lows in sea ice extent so far in 2017, according to the latest data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). At about...

World Abandoning Coal in Dramatic Style Raises Hope of Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming, Says Report

As Donald Trump pledges to put coal miners back to work in the United States, the rest of the world appears to have suddenly started moving in the opposite direction, abandoning the...

World Water Day: One in Four Children will Live with Water Scarcity by 2040

One in four of the world’s children will be living in areas with extremely limited water resources by 2040 as a result of climate change, the UN has warned. Within two decades, 600...

Scientists Sound the Alarm: CO2 Levels Race Past Point of No Return

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that carbon dioxide levels in 2016 broke records for the second year in a row with an increase of 3 parts per million (ppm). The...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

Climate Change Impacts are Already Hitting us, Say Europeans

The citizens of four major European countries think the impacts of climate change such as severe floods and storms are already affecting them, according to a major new polling study. The research dispels...

Climate Scientists Say Likelihood of Extreme Summers Surging Due to Global Warming

New South Wales, which has just experienced its hottest summer on record, is 50 times more likely to experience another similarly hot summer and 10 times more likely to experience extremely hot...

Solar Panels Get a Face-Lift with Custom Designs

Residential solar power is on a sharp rise in the United States as photovoltaic systems become cheaper and more powerful for homeowners. A 2012 study by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)...

Arena to Give EnergyAustralia Grant to Investigate Pumped Hydro Storage Project

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena) has approved a $450,000 grant to EnergyAustralia to investigate a pumped hydro energy storage project off South Australia as the state’s energy mix continues to cause...

Cornish Village Marks 25 Years of UK Wind Power

From Pam the lollipop lady to the repairs for a storm-battered church roof, the fruits of wind power are not hard to find in Delabole. The residents of this Cornish village have...

KfW First Development Bank to Sign Master Agreement with Green Climate Fund (GCF)

On the occasion of the Green Climate Fund's board meeting, KfW recently  signed a master agreement with the GCF. The complex agreement governs the rights and obligations of the GCF, the accredited...



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