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Miroslav Tadić: The United Nations Strongly Support the Transition of Serbia towards Ecomobility

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is helping the transition of the Republic of Serbia through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define priority areas of development in the...

Željko Milković: First Steps towards Electromobility of Public Transport in Serbia

Five electric buses represent heralds of progress that will significantly contribute to the reduction of harmful gas emissions in the future. One should not forget that the road leading to the realization...

ALEKSANDRA ĐURĐEVIĆ Although There Are Neither Chargers nor Incentives in Serbia, Drivers Are Thrilled with BMW Electric and Hybrid Cars

At this year’s Car Show in Belgrade, Delta Motors not only presented visitors a wide range of BMW’s electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars but also decided to place these vehicles on...

MILAN LAZIĆ: Environmentally Responsible Companies and Citizens Are Becoming Increasingly Interested in Our Electric Cars

In this region, the first thing that comes to your mind when you mention Volkswagen is golf, since this car has been a favourite vehicle for decades. Times are changing, new technologies...

ALEKSANDRA TOMIC: The Introduction of Energy Managers a Big Step Forward for Serbia

In late September 2016, a conference on “Energy efficiency in public buildings in Serbia” was held at the hotel Metropol and was organized by GIZ, Ministry of Energy and Mining and the...

ANNA BOULOS: Serbia Consumes Only 1/3 of Its Potentials

During the Energy and investments fair in Novi Sad the editorial office of ENERGETSKI PORTAL had a pleasure to attend the exposition of Ms Anna Boulos, the economic counsellor at the US...

Ecology Plays Important Part in Serbia-UN Partnership (PHOTOS)

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia Karla Robin Hershey, signed today the...

By 2020 a Thousand Electric Charging Stations will be on Serbian Roads

At the public discussion on the strategy of charging stations installation for electric vehicles in Serbia, held at the Building Trade Fair, it was stated the strategy should be planned and executed...

DUBRAVKA NEGRE: We Have Invested about 150 Million Euros in Serbia so far

According to all indicators, 2015 was a record year for the EIB investments in climate projects with a total amount exceeding 20 billion euros. In all documents or interactive portals of the...

Ceremonial Signing of the Contracts for Co-financing Energy Efficiency Projects in Serbia Local Self-government Units

Minister of Mining and Energy, Aleksandar Antić and representatives of 13 local self-governments signed contracts on grant awards for co-financing energy efficiency projects in public buildings in these municipalities, on the premises...

Mark van Wees: Support for Serbia through IPA project

In mid-September last year the representatives of the GFA Consulting Group took participation at the conference in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce where the beginning of work on the Strategy on Climate...

Serbian Company to Become Part of General Electric Chain of Suppliers

After the well-rounded process of General Electric Sourcing Day, the company included a local company - Unimet, into its chain of suppliers. Domestic company Unimet in first phase of cooperation will deliver...

EPTISA Will Assist the Ministry of Mining and Energy in Reforming Energy Policy of the Republic of Serbia by Meeting EU Acquis through Increased...

The newly awarded project to EPTISA in consortium with BERNARD Ingenieure ZT GmbH, funded by the European Union and managed by the Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Programmes (CFCU) aims...

There Is Constantly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management Is Necessary

While preparing for the interview with PhD Nebojša Veljković, we have performed several experiments and easily made sure that the litre of water is more expensive than the litre of petrol. Continuation...

GE to Help Increase Output and Efficiency of EPS’s Coal-Fired Power Plant in Serbia

BADEN, SWITZERLAND—February 2, 2017—GE’s Power Services (NYSE: GE) today announced that this year it will complete the modernization of Elektro Privreda Srbije’s (EPS) TPP Nikola Tesla, the largest coal-fired power plant in...

Secretariat Questions Legality of Serbia-Russia Intergovernmental Agreement on Natural Gas Supply

On 12 January 2017, the Secretariat sent an Opening Letter to Serbia in Case ECS-18/16. In its Letter, the Secretariat addressed a 2012 Agreement between the Serbian and Russian governments on the...



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