Search results for:heat wave

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UK Summer ‘Wind Drought’ Puts Green Revolution into Reverse

Britain’s long heatwave threw the country’s green energy revolution into reverse and pushed up carbon emissions this summer, leading experts to stress the need for a diverse energy mix.The summer of 2017...

Sweden’s Reindeer at Risk of Starvation After Summer Drought

Sweden’s indigenous Sami reindeer herders are demanding state aid to help them cope with the impact of this summer’s unprecedented drought and wildfires, saying their future is at risk as global warming...

Japan Considers Adopting Daylight Savings Time for 2020 Summer Olympics

This summer’s deadly heatwaves in Japan have caused government and Olympic officials to consider the benefits of adopting daylight savings time for the 2020 Summer Olympics to ensure athlete safety. Prime Minister...

Last Year Was Warmest Ever That Didn’t Feature an El Niño, Report Finds

Last year was the warmest ever recorded on Earth that didn’t feature an El Niño, a periodic climatic event that warms the Pacific Ocean, according to the annual state of the climate...

Domino-Effect of Climate Events Could Move Earth into a ‘Hothouse’ State

A domino-like cascade of melting ice, warming seas, shifting currents and dying forests could tilt the Earth into a “hothouse” state beyond which human efforts to reduce emissions will be increasingly futile,...

‘New World Record’: Imperial, California Felt Rain at 48°C

Southern California is not only sweltering under extreme heat, the city of Imperial actually witnessed rainfall when it was a scorching 48 degrees Celsius outside on July 24, weather experts observed.The bizarre...

Our Cellphone Addiction Is Turning Wireless Tech Into an Invisible Weapon That’s Destroying Wildlife

There is growing evidence that our addiction to cellphones could be impacting brain functionality and be the cause of stress, anxiety, insomnia and a lack of attention and focus. Now a new...

Temperatures in South-West Europe Could Break 48C Record This Weekend

Large parts of southern and western Europe are expected to experience high temperatures this weekend with forecasters warning that thermometers could reach up to 48C in Spain.Holidaymakers bound for the Iberian peninsula...

Carbon Emissions Could Throw Europe back to Tropical Climate last Seen 50 Million Years ago

Temperatures seen during recent heatwave likely to become norm by end of century, according to comparison with ancient conditions. Spiralling carbon dioxide emissions could give parts of Europe the kind of tropical climate...

Extreme Global Weather Is ‘the Face of Climate Change’ Says Leading Scientist

Exclusive: Prof Michael Mann declares the impacts of global warming are now ‘playing out in real-time’ The extreme heatwaves and wildfires wreaking havoc around the globe are “the face of climate change,” one...

Greek Wildfires: Dry Winter and Strong Winds Led to Tinderbox Conditions

An unusually dry winter, with less than average rainfall interspersed with localised flooding in some areas, is emerging as a major contributing factor to the wildfires that are ravaging the mainland of...

Is Your Popcorn Laced With Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

No one should be exposed to toxic chemicals in their food, particularly children. But that's exactly what the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) found in tests of microwave popcorn bags sold in...

Wineries Around the World Grapple With Climate Change

In our rapidly changing climate—where weather patterns are less predictable, and drought and heatwaves have become longer and more intense—the world's wine producers can be particularly hit hard.Vintners in South Africa, France,...

Hitting Toughest Climate Target Will Save World $30tn in Damages, Analysis Shows

Achieving the toughest climate change target set in the global Paris agreement will save the world about $30tn in damages, far more than the costs of cutting carbon emissions, according to a...

Climate Change Could Displace Half a Million Atoll Residents Within Decades

A new study published in Science Advances Wednesday has bad news for the residents of low-lying atolls: If current greenhouse gas emission rates continue, climate change will render most of these islands...

Public Support for Renewables Hits Record 85 Per Cent High

Support for renewable energy among UK residents has climbed yet again to hit 85 per cent, its highest level since the government first began recording attitudes towards energy and climate change issues...



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