Search results for:farms

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The Delicate Relationship Between People, Wildlife and the Pathogens

In the past, coronaviruses that circulated in humans caused only mild infections. This changed in 2002, when the SARS-CoV virus presented itself in humans as the disease we now know as SARS....

Next Generation Farming With Solar Panels

Solar panels are sprouting on farmland like mushrooms after the rain, but there’s no such thing as a free lunch. If too many solar panels replace too much cropland, there goes the...

Siemens Gamesa in Deal to Provide Clean Electricity to 240,000 People in Vietnam

Vietnam has some of the best wind resources in Southeast Asia. In an effort to tap the country’s potential and provide more clean energy to the country, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy will...

Under What Conditions Will Clean Energy Become The Norm?

Even as renewables become a more common energy source around the world, they still face major obstacles. Some barriers are inherent with all new technologies; others are the result of skewed regulatory...

EBRD and Donors Boost Green Financing in the Region

The Western Balkans is a key region for, and partner in, the EBRD’s green work. South-eastern Europe has huge potential for developing green energy, with its rivers providing hydroelectric power, its mountains...

ABB’s Success Formula

Presenting a world-class company that achieves notable results in numerous areas can be a challenging task. One of those companies is ABB, which is paving the way for the future by introducing...

Do We Know What We Eat and How Safe We Are?

People all over the world continuously cross swords over genetically modified (hereinafter referred to as GM) food as one of the vital topics. While some advocate that it is the food of...

Kenyan Women Fight Invasive Species by Planting Indigenous Trees

When Zipporah Matumbi was growing up, she loved the way the forest in her village in East Kenya had a dense canopy. As an adult, she noticed that with extensive logging, the...

‘Most Realistic’ Plant-Based Steak Revealed

The “most realistic” plant-based steak to date has been revealed, mimicking the texture and appearance of a real cut of meat.The fake steak’s ingredients include pea, seaweed and beetroot juice, which are...

Georgia – Untapped Potential, Liberalized Market, and Renewable Energy on the Rise

The energy sector of Georgia is very attractive in terms of its untapped potential, developing infrastructure and increasing local and regional demand. In particular, investors and developers are seeing increasing renewable energy...

Drought and Flood Cause Drop in Emissions

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions have flatlined due to the effects of the drought, which has caused a large drop in carbon dioxide from the agriculture sector.The government’s quarterly greenhouse data for the...

Climate Crisis ‘May Have Triggered Faster Wind Speeds’

The global climate crisis could lead to more renewable electricity being generated by spurring faster wind speeds for the world’s growing number of windfarms, according to research.Scientists have discovered that the world’s...

Asia Poised to Become Dominant Market for Wind Energy

Asia could grow its share of installed capacity for onshore wind from 230 Gigawatt (GW) in 2018 to over 2600 GW by 2050, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency...

Ivory Coast Law Could See Chocolate Industry ‘Wipe Out’ Protected Forests

The Ivory Coast’s dwindling rainforests could be “wiped out” under a new law that will see legal protections removed from thousands of square miles of classified forest and unprecedented power handed to...

Little Progress Made in Tackling Air Pollution in Europe, Research Says

Little progress has been made on tackling air quality in Europe, new research shows, despite public outcry in many countries and increasing awareness of the health impacts of pollution.Levels of the dangerous...

More Than Half of Native European Trees Face Extinction, Warns Study

More than half of Europe’s endemic trees are threatened with extinction as invasive diseases, pests, pollution and urban development take a growing toll on the landscape, according to a study.Ash, elm and...



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