Search results for:farmers

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The Startup Making Shirts out of Cow Poo

Cow waste is a global environmental issue. Jalila Essaïdi and Dutch farmers are tackling the problem by transforming manure into materials. Would you buy a shirt that has been through the back end...

‘Unlike Many Other Air Pollutants, Ammonia Emissions Have Increased since 2013’

The Environment Agency says farmers must take the lead by changing their land management practices Unlike many other air pollutants, emissions of ammonia have increased since 2013. That’s the verdict from the Environment Agency,...

Pay More Attention to Forests to Avert Global Water Crisis, Researchers Urge

Australia's Murray Darling basin covers more than a million square kilometers (approximately 386,000 square miles), 14 percent of the country's landmass. It's the site of tens of thousands of wetlands, but increasing...

Meat and Dairy Emissions Could Surpass Those from Largest Oil Firms

The largest meat and dairy producers could surpass major oil companies as the largest contributors to environmental pollution.That’s according to a new report from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)...

From Harmful Ambrosia over Pellets to a Warm Home

The large family home belonging to Rade Vujic from Sitnes near Srpac in Republika Srpska is probably the only building in the entire area that is being heated by combustion of a...

Eating Seaweed Could Reduce Cows’ Methane Production

Researchers at the University of California, Davis have found a surprising food source that could help reduce cows’ methane production: seaweed. A recent study from the university suggests bovines who eat an...

Could Swapping Rice for Other Grains Help Solve India’s Water Crisis?

A study published in Science Advances Wednesday offers a potential solution to India's growing nutritional and water needs: replace rice with less thirsty, more nutrititious cereals.The study found that by replacing the...

Red List Research Finds 26,000 Global Species under Extinction Threat

More than 26,000 of the world’s species are now threatened, according to the latest red list assessment of the natural world, adding to fears the planet is entering a sixth wave of...

Summer Heat Waves Break Records Across Northern Hemisphere

The summer of 2018 is shaping up to be one for the record books. Locations across the Northern Hemisphere have recorded their hottest temperatures ever this past week, the Washington Post reported...

KLADOVO – the Green Municipality

Kladovo municipality is one of the four municipalities in the Bor district, with enormous cultural and historical heritage and natural resources. Kladovo has used its potential to attract tourists and investors in...

ORCA: Nature in the Service of Agriculture

In the interview with Elvir Burazerovic, General Manager of NGO ORCA, we found out what is necessary to do in order to make our agriculture sustainable, as well as what ORCA is...

Sustainable Fashion Innovator Makes Fiber From Pineapple Leaves

In 1960, 97 percent of the fibers used in clothing came from natural materials. Today that number has fallen to 35 percent. But sustainable fashion veteran Isaac Nichelson wants to reverse that...

High Risk of Food Shortages without Pesticides, Says Chemical Giant

The world is likely to face food shortages within 20 years if pesticides and genetically modified crops are shunned, according to the head of the world’s biggest pesticide manufacturer. J Erik Fyrwald, CEO...

Serbia Has Joined Copernicus Programme

The European Commission and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia established today a partnership on Earth Observation by signing a Copernicus Cooperation Arrangement. It has...

Meat and Fish Multinationals ‘Jeopardising Paris Climate Goals’

Meat and fish companies may be “putting the implementation of the Paris agreement in jeopardy” by failing to properly report their climate emissions, according to a groundbreaking index launched today.Three out of...

Vladan Vasic, the Mayor of Pirot: The Citizens of Pirot are Proud of their City

Vladan Vasic was elected three times as the President of the Municipality of Pirot, and after the elections in 2016, he became the first Mayor since Pirot was granted the city status,...



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