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Fossil Fuel Divestment Pledges Top $5tr, as Investors ‘Fast Losing Faith’ in High Carbon Assets

The anniversary of the Paris Agreement was marked today with the release of a new report, revealing companies and individuals with nearly $5.2tr of assets under management have now pledged to divest...

Canada Sets its First National Carbon Price at C$10 a Tonne

The Canadian government has agreed a deal with eight of the country’s 10 provinces to introduce its first national carbon price, Justin Trudeau has told reporters. The prime minister said the move would...

Australia’s Energy Transmission Industry Calls for Carbon Trading

Australia’s electricity and gas transmission industry is calling on the Turnbull government to implement a form of carbon trading in the national electricity market by 2022 and review the scope for economy-wide...

Carbon Trust Launches Zero Waste to Landfill Certification

The Carbon Trust has launched a new Zero Waste to Landfill standard to recognise companies working to reduce their environmental impact by diverting waste streams away from landfill. The certification, which the Carbon...

Alstom and Carbone 4 measured the carbon footprint of the tramway versus Bus Rapid Transit systems

Alstom and Carbone 4, a leading consulting company specialized in climate-resilient and low-carbon strategy presented recently the results of a study demonstrating that tramways have a smaller footprint than Bus Rapid Transit...

Advanced Coal Technologies Could Provide Carbon Relief

Coal is not clean. But that does not mean that it could not be made cleaner. And that’s relevant because much of the developing world will remain dependent on coal, as will...

Report: Low-Carbon Now Dominates UK Power System

More than half of the electricity generated in the UK now comes from low carbon sources such as wind, solar, nuclear energy and biomass, according to a new study which underlines the...

German Coalition Agrees to Cut Carbon Emissions up to 95% by 2050

Germany’s coalition government has reached an agreement on a climate change action plan which involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95% by 2050, a spokesperson said on Friday. The plan, which...

Day 1 of Climate Talks: We Must ‘Change the Course of Two Centuries of Carbon-Intense Development’

The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech kicked off yesterday, just three days after the Paris climate change agreement entered into force. At the opening, Morocco's Foreign Minister and newly-elected COP22 President Salaheddine...

Your Carbon Footprint Destroys 30 Square Metres of Arctic Sea Ice a Year

The average westerner’s carbon emissions destroy 30 square metres of Arctic sea ice every year, according to new research. The work indicates that, even with current efforts to cut emissions, the Arctic will...

Global Carbon Intensity Falls as Coal Use Declines

The amount of carbon needed to power the global economy fell to record lows in 2015, as coal consumption in major economies plummeted. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) annual Low Carbon Economy Index report has found...

Humans Create Carbon Emissions which Spawn Australia’s Extreme Weather – Report

Carbon emissions from human activities have driven significant changes to the climate in Australia, including about 1C of warming and an increase in extreme hot days and fire weather, according to the...

What the Ancient Carbon Dioxide Record May Mean for Future Climate Change

The last time Earth experienced both ice sheets and carbon dioxide levels within the range predicted for this century was a period of major sea level rise, melting ice sheets and upheaval...

Shipping ‘Progressives’ Call for Industry Carbon Emission Cuts

Many of the world’s biggest shipowners and charterers have called on heads of state to take swift action to force carbon emission cuts on their industry which is the only sector in...

Reykjavík: the Geothermal City that aims to Go Carbon Neutral

Icelandic capital plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2040 by reversing urban sprawl and promoting walking, cycling and public transport. Reykjavík used to be marketed as a place of...

Canada Will Tax Carbon Emissions to Meet Paris Climate Agreement Targets

Prime minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement in parliament as debate started over whether Canada should ratify the Paris accord on climate change. The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said on Monday that...



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