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Driving Under the Influence? It is Possible in a Car Powered by Whisky Biofuel

Alcohol and automobiles famously do not mix - but one Scottish scientist has disproved that maxim by driving a car powered by biofuel derived from making whisky. Edinburgh-based Celtic Renewables has developed a...

ZZ Capital International Seals an International Renewable Energy Deal With Investment in Building Energy

ZZ Capital International Limited (‘ZZCI’), a global investment firm, announced that it has signed an agreement to invest in Building Energy 1 Holdings plc (‘Building Energy’). Building Energy is a global, vertically...

Sea Level Rise to Flood Major U.S. Cities

As an iceberg the size of Delaware broke away from an ice shelf in Antarctica Wednesday, scientists released findings that up to 668 U.S. communities could face chronic flooding from rising sea...

Hopes of Mild Climate Change Dashed by New Research

Hopes that the world's huge carbon emissions might not drive temperatures up to dangerous levels have been dashed by new research. The work shows that temperature rises measured over recent decades do not...

Temperatures Have Risen Rapidly In The Pyrenees In Recent Decades, Research Shows

Temperatures in the Pyrenees mountain range have been climbing particularly rapidly in recent decades — with maximum temperatures there rising by more than half a degree Celsius by decade from 1970 to...

GTM Predicts 27% Drop In Solar Prices By 2022

A new report from GTM Research has highlighted what is becoming an increasingly common refrain these days — solar prices simply continue to fall, and they’re not slowing down, either, with GTM...

Solar-Powered Electric Yacht — Soel Yacht SoelCat 12 — Unveiling In A Few Days

Once you leave your zero-carbon footprint home for a clean holiday using your long-range electric vehicle (EV), what’s better than arriving at your destination and finding yourself ready to continue your zero-emission...

Researchers Develop Solar Paint That Turns Water Vapor Into Hydrogen

It may be getting cheaper and easier to install solar panels onto your rooftop but what if you could generate clean energy for your home with just some paint? This reality is inching...

Climate Change to Reduce Global Yields of Staple Crops 23% by 2050s

Global production of the 4 most important staple crops in the world — maize/corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans — will be reduced by around 23% by the 2050s as a result of...

Shell Investors Dismiss Climate Resolution to Set Carbon Reduction Targets

Shareholders in Shell rejected proposals for the oil giant to set public emission reduction targets at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Netherlands yesterday. The proposals were rejected by 94 per cent...

Unilever Confirms UK Sites Now 100 Per Cent Renewable Powered

Unilever has today become the latest high profile firm to confirm its operations are being run using renewable power, after confirming all its UK sites are sourcing 100 per cent of their...

Researchers At Australia’s University Of Newcastle Testing Printed Solar Panels

A team of researchers headed by Professor Paul Dastoor at the University of Newcastle in Australia has begun testing printed solar panels. The experimental panels are made by printing a special electronic...

Temperature Increase To Exceed 1.5° Celsius “Barrier” By 2026–2031, Research Finds

If the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) hasn’t yet moved into a positive phase, though, the 1.5° Celsius threshold will still be passed by 2031 or so, according to the research. I put “barrier”...

New Solar PV Additions To Exceed 1,000 Gigawatts Between 2017 & 2026, Predicts Navigant

The global installed capacity of distributed solar PV between 2017 and 2026 is expected to reach 429 gigawatts, while an additional 591 gigawatts of utility-scale solar are also expected to come online...

It’s Official: Block Island Now Powered by Nation’s First Offshore Wind Farm

Block Island, the smallest town in the country's smallest state, is now powered by Rhode Island's Deepwater Wind, the nation's first offshore wind farm. Block Island Power Company officially silenced its diesel generating...

Deep-Sea Mining Could Help Develop Mass Solar Energy but Only at a Cost to the Environment

Scientists have just discovered massive amounts of a rare metal called tellurium, a key element in cutting-edge solar technology. As a solar expert who specialises in exactly this, I should be delighted....



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