Search results for:Global warming

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Time to Decarbonize Transport for a Green, Resilient and Inclusive Recovery

At a time when we face enormous challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is heartening to see the world mobilizing as never before to tackle the looming crisis of global...

Motorised Transport: Train, Plane, Road or Boat — Which is Greenest?

Traveling by plane, train or automobile: the most environmentally sound choice may not always be clear. The latest annual Transport and Environment Report 2020 (TERM) addresses the issue assessing the value of...

Fast-Track Energy Transitions to Win the Race to Zero

Proven technologies for a net-zero energy system already largely exist today, finds the preview of World Energy Transitions Outlook by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable power, green hydrogen and modern bioenergy will dominate...

At the Heart of Technological Transformation and Modernization

Spain is one of the European countries most concerned about climate change. The southern areas of this Mediterranean country are characterized by rather harsh climatic conditions, such as high temperatures, droughts, scarce...

Glacier Collapse in India a Worrying Sign of What’s to Come

A deadly flood in northern India, sparked by a cratering glacier, was not an isolated incident but the result of a rapidly warming planet, say experts. They warn the disaster, which has...

Got Climate Change? Kelp Can Help

Kelp, which most of us refer to as seaweed, may be an important tool in the quest to limit the effects of a warming planet. Much of the carbon dioxide emitted into...

Climate Change Adaptation Is Key to Avoid Disruption of EU Agricultural Commodities Imports

Stepping up European Union (EU) support for international adaptation, together with trade diversification are key actions the EU can take to lessen the impacts of climate change on agricultural trade, according to...

Electric Fleets Can Fuel Decarbonisation Efforts. Here’s How

Without drastic action, emissions from mobility are on track to double by 2050 – making climate change irreversible and leading to a global misery greater than the pandemic.During the recent COVID-19 crisis, a...

ABB Sensor Onboard SpaceX Rocket to Detect Greenhouse Gas Emissions

An optical sensor manufactured by ABB was deployed with the successful launch of satellite Hugo from GHGSat, the emerging leader in greenhouse gas sensing services in space. The ABB supplied optical sensor can...

Secretary-General Welcomes Us Return to Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Following the inauguration of United States President Joe Biden on Wednesday, the UN Secretary-General said he looks forward to an era of new leadership towards accelerating climate action, with the US back...

IEA Calls on Companies, Governments and Regulators to Take Urgent Action to Cut Methane Emissions From Oil and Gas Sector

Drop in methane emissions from oil and gas industry in 2020 due mainly to lower production rather than prevention of leaks, says IEA as it releases new ‘how-to’ guide for policy makers...

2020 Climate Events Were Examples Of How Excess Heat Is Expressed On Earth

By most accounts, 2020 has been a rough year for the planet. It was the warmest year on record, just barely exceeding the record set in 2016 by less than a tenth...

As Climate Change Hits Harder, World Must Increase Efforts to Adapt

2020 was not only the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also the year of intensifying climate change: high temperatures, floods, droughts, storms, wildfires and even locust plagues. Even more worryingly,...

Transforming Agri-Food Systems to Feed the World and Tackle Climate Change

Feeding the world's growing population while limiting the impacts of climate change will require urgent and radical transformation of our agri-food systems, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said at a High-Level event commemorating...

Wider Use of Carbon Markets to Boost Net-Zero Future 

If more countries start recognizing the catalytic potential of carbon markets, the cost of achieving their climate mitigation targets will go down. This will make it easier for countries to step up...

How to Turn Industrial Carbon Emissions Into Building Materials

When Sophia Hamblin Wang flew to Davos, Switzerland, in January 2020, swathes of her home country, Australia, was on fire."So many of my communities were affected in profound ways. We could feel...



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