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Shift Towards Clean Energy in Southeastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

Various means such as petroleum products, biomass, sun, wind, water, nuclear fission, lead us to the production of electricity as the ultimate goal. Each of the methods of obtaining energy has its...

10 Worst-Case Climate Predictions if We Don’t Keep Global Temperatures Under 1.5 Degrees Celsius

The summer of 2018 was intense: deadly wildfires, persistent drought, killer floods and record-breaking heat. Although scientists exercise great care before linking individual weather events to climate change, the rise in global...

A Country with the Best Attitude Towards the Natural Environment

With its unspoilt nature, clean lakes and rivers, Switzerland has had a healthy advantage for reaching the highest position in a category concerning ecology. What nature has unselfishly given to this country,...

Eva Kail: Vienna Acts Against the Climate Change

Eva Kail, The Gender Planning Expert for the Executive Group for Construction and Technology, the City of Vienna A survey conducted by Mercer, an international consulting firm, has shown that there’s no place...

How Coca-Cola and Climate Change Created a Public Health Crisis in a Mexican Town

A lack of drinking water and a surplus of Coca-Cola are causing a public health crisis in the Mexican town of San Cristóbal de las Casas, The New York Times reported Saturday.Some...

Against All Odds, Mountain Gorilla Numbers Are on the Rise

The news coming out of East Africa's Virunga Mountains these days would have made the late (and legendary) conservationist Dian Fossey very happy. According to the most recent census, the mountain gorillas...

What Is the True Cost of Eating Meat

Food and farming is one of the biggest economic sectors in the world. We are no longer in the 14th century, when as much as 76% of the population worked in agriculture...

Portugal’s Renewable Electricity Production in March Exceeded Consumption

Portugal is taking an early lead in renewables to such an extent that for the month of March it produced 4.3% more renewable electricity, at 4,812 GWh, than its total electricity consumption...

Marija JEVTIC: We Have Upset the Planet – Now It Retalitates against Us

On the occasion of the World Environment Day, we had the opportunity to listen to the lecture by professor Marija Jevtic, Ph.D. on air, climate, energy and their importance for health. Marija...

New York State Approves 26 Large-Scale Renewable Projects, Seeks Exemption From Federal Offshore Drilling

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced approval last week for 26 large-scale renewable energy projects, including 22 solar projects worth 647 megawatts (MW) and 733.58 MW worth of wind energy. At the...

Stanford Engineers: Here’s How 139 Countries Can Avoid Blackouts With 100% Clean Energy

Renewable energy solutions are often hindered by the inconsistencies of power produced by wind, water and sunlight and the continuously fluctuating demand for energy. New research by Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor...

Ph.D. Aleksandar Joksimovic: The Adriatic is Our Heritage – We Must Preserve It!

With four national parks and a multitude of forest systems, more than 50 protected plant species and 320 animal species, although small in size, Montenegro has three different natural environments at a distance...

Pentagon: Half Of US Military Sites Threatened By Climate Change

Roughly half of the military sites maintained by the US are now threatened by climate change and associated effects, according to a new study from the Pentagon. To be more specific, flooding, drought,...


The speed of adaption to new technologies and their application in business processes gives companies a competitive edge and innovation that is today the key to business success. It is clear that the...

Ivan Smiljkovic: A Bank with a Clear Development Orientation always Stands with Business People

The professional Jury of Novi Sad fair declared this year ProCredit Bank as the best bank in agribusiness standing commitment of this financial institution to support domestic agricultural producers who persistently and...

Urban Farming Key in Fight Against Hunger and Climate Change

The urban farms sprouting up and across cities around the world aren't just feeding mouths—they are "critical to survival" and a "necessary adaptation" for developing regions and a changing climate, according to...



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