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Ahead of Global Climate Talks, Public Development Banks Join Forces to Boost Investments in Sustainable Food Systems

Responding to an urgent call to increase financing for the world’s poorest farmers who are hardest hit by climate change, a group of Public Development Banks (PDBs) stepped up their commitment to...

Between the Myth and Responsibility

Is it all that it takes for one product to have labels such as eco, 100 percent natural, or 100 percent bio so that we are assured that buying it would do...

Antarctica Shows Everything Is Possible When We Work Together – Now We Need Leaders To Make History Again

30 years ago, something remarkable happened. Governments around the world agreed to make the Antarctic off limits to oil drilling and mining. In the 1980s the debate of the fate of the Antarctic...

Fast-Growing EBRD Green Cities Signs up 50th member, Medias

The EBRD’s fast-expanding EUR 3 billion urban sustainability programme, EBRD Green Cities, has reached a new growth milestone, with Medias in Romania becoming the 50th city to sign up to improve the...

Digital Partner in the Fields of Sustainability and Efficiency

The coronavirus has brought numerous changes in everyday life. It also contributed to the increasing demand for sustainable energy and sustainability in all areas of work. The innovations are introduced, and new technologies...

Amazon Expedition: The harsh reality of those living near the fires

The fires and deforestation in the Amazon have a devastating impact on the forest, biodiversity, and the global climate. We have seen news, articles, and documentaries about it. But little is told about...

Europe’s Nature Under Pressure — Challenges and Solutions

The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) work and other assessments have shown that European ecosystems are under serious threat. Centuries of exploitation have left their mark on Europe’s natural world and most protected...

Three Ways You Can Protect Rivers

Rivers provide immense benefits and services to people, communities, and the planet—from drinking water to crop irrigation. Unfortunately, invaluable river systems all over the world are under increased stress from damming of...

Why The Global Fight to Tackle Food Waste Has Only Just Begun

Our global food systems are having a profound impact on human and planetary health. They are responsible for 70 percent of the water extracted from nature, account for up to one-third of...

An Important Step Towards the Conservation of Endangered Migratory Birds

The Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BPSSS) welcomes the recent amendments to The Rulebook on Declaring a Closed Hunting Season for the Protected Wild Game Species, which established changes in...

EBRD Launches Energy Compact for its Urban Sustainability Programme

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching its own Energy Compact to support the energy transition, focussed on investments within its flagship urban sustainability programme, EBRD Green Cities. The...

Zero waste to landfill achieved at ABB’s Frosinone factory in Italy

Zero production waste to landfill has been achieved at ABB Smart Power’s manufacturing unit in Frosinone, Italy — 14 years ahead of the European Union’s Circular Economy Package target of no more...

Water Management According To European Standards

The draft of the Water management plan on the territory of Serbia for the next six years is in the final stage. Its fundamental goal is the protection and improvement of water...

The Role of Resource Extraction in a “Circular” World

If the latest major report on global warming makes one thing clear, it’s that humanity must transition to a low-carbon economy, and fast. To do that, many countries are embracing what’s known as...

Threats to Crop Wild Relatives Compromising Food Security and Livelihoods

Over 70 wild relatives of some of the world's most important crops are threatened with extinction, according to a new IUCN co-authored study launched today at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in...

ABB’s Technology in Singapore’s First Dual-Mode Desalination Plant Helps Tackle Water Scarcity in Region

The United Nation’s (UN) World Water Development Report recently stated that nearly six billion people will suffer from clean water scarcity by 2050. So, as we “celebrate” World Water Week, it’s time to...



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