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Harworth Seals Deal for New 5MW Solar Farm in Yorkshire

UK developer Harworth is expanding its clean energy portfolio with the announcement yesterday that a deal to build a new 5MW solar farm in North Yorkshire has been signed off. Kellingley Solar Farm,...

A Place for Waste in 2017

In the United States, approximately 34 million tons of food is delivered to landfills annually, accounting for 35 percent of total landfill waste. Once in the landfill, this food slowly decomposes, emitting...

Albania Disposes of 160 Tonnes of Napalm Components as Part of OSCE Project

The OSCE Presence in Albania and the Ministry of Defence held a ceremony on 6 December 2016, marking the completion of a joint project to destroy hazardous military chemicals. The Head of...

Oil and Gas Companies in North America Less Green Than Those in EU

Oil and gas companies in North America are lagging behind their European counterparts in cleaning up their operations, new research has found, with higher greenhouse gas emissions and less investment in clean...

OGCI Announces $1 Billion Investment to Accelerate Development and Deployment of Innovative Low Emissions Technologies

The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) announced an investment of $1 billion over the next ten years, to develop and accelerate the commercial deployment of innovative low emissions technologies. OGCI Climate Investments...

The Netherlands Will Spend 150 Million Euros to Turn Cow Poop Into Biogas

Dutch farmers now have the opportunity to turn cow manure into energy. Turning cow poop into power isn’t a new idea, but the Netherlands government is banking on poo being a potent...

UK’s Billions of Takeaway Cups Could Each Take ’30 Years’ to Break Down

Coffee-addicted Britain is leaving a mountain of toxic waste for the next generation as scientists warn it could take decades for paper cups from Starbucks, Pret a Manger and other chains to...

To Avoid the Worst Climate Impacts, Obama Tells Leo DiCaprio, ‘We’re Really in a Race Against Time’

Capping a day-long futurist fair and alternative music fest on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, President Obama told actor Leonardo DiCaprio and atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe “we’re really...

Honolulu Pursues New Renewable Energy Project

Environmental groups are praising Honolulu's efforts to turn a byproduct from its wastewater treatment plant into renewable energy. City officials recently awarded a contract to Hawaii Gas to capture and process biogas at...

Mexico, Canada, U.S. to Make Clean Power Pledge

The U.S., Mexico and Canada are expected to pledge Wednesday to collectively generate 50 percent of their electricity from zero-carbon sources by 2025, according to White House officials. The agreement is expected to...

Researchers Assess Power Plants that Convert all of their CO2 Emissions into Carbon Nanotubes

Last year, researchers at George Washington University proposed a method for transforming CO2 emissions into carbon nanotubes (CNTs). When applied to power plants, the technology could completely eliminate the power plants' CO2...

CO2 Turned into Stone in Iceland in Climate Change Breakthrough

Carbon dioxide has been pumped underground and turned rapidly into stone, demonstrating a radical new way to tackle climate change. The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2...

Arctic Could Become Ice-Free

Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University predicts we could see ‘an area of less than one million square kilometres for September of this year’. The Arctic is on track to be free of...

Costa Rica Powers 285 Days of 2015 With 100% Renewable Energy

In March, EcoWatch reported that Costa Rica powered the first 82 days of the year solely with renewable energy. Now that we’re closing in on the end of the year, the Costa...



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