Search results for:belgrade

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Nature’s Oasis “Carska Bara”

How Carska bara recovered after the fire incurred by stubble burning and how wildlife is taken care of at the Special nature reserve Carska bara, we asked Dejan Zejak, the manager of...

How to Grow Air?

Recognizing that their fellow citizens have moved too far away from nature due to lack of time and money and with the desire to bring nature directly into their four walls, five...

Good Buzz Travels Fast!

Would you believe us if we revealed to you that one Belgrade-based marketing agency with around 40 employees during just one day in April expanded its working capacity with 72,000 new members...

Climate Procrastination

Although it was evident at the beginning of the second half of the last century that significant changes in the climate system could be expected and that these changes would have an...

Waiting for a Good Wind to Come

Centre for energy efficiency and sustainable development - CEEFOR ENERGY EFFICIENT SOLUTION as the company devoted to the development of projects, implementation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources in the...

Farewell to Long Charging and Short Radius

Cities around the world face the challenge of finding solutions for public transportation that can reduce harmful gas emissions and noise, and at the same time reduce operating costs to a minimum....

Balthazar from Fruska Gora

For some passers-by, Milivoj Pejin’s house in Sremska Kamenica is a seemingly ordinary family home that does not differ from its surroundings. More informed people are aware that this is not the...

Toward Congress Anniversary – the 50th International Hvac&R Congress and Exhibition

In 1969 and 1970, in three republicas’ centres of the former Yugoslavia, three conventions were held about the same area of expertise. The common denominator of those professionals’ seminars in Zagreb, Ljubljana...

Afforestation as a Mission

Harmonization of environmental and climate change regulations is a long-term process. It is known that these regulations are continually changing and improving at EU level, as well as a lack of administrative...

Confrontation: Small Hydropower Plants and Big Issues

We asked two experts if the construction of small hydropower plants is a national interest, or a public interest is to stop the process of further construction of these power plants, and...

How to Manage Air Quality Data

As part of the “FOI-4-ALL“ competition, conducted by the Bureau for Social Research in cooperation with the Partners for Democratic Change Serbia, and Law Scanner, the Fractal organization has got down to...

We Gonna Rock down to Electric Avenue!

What is the connection between 54 students of nine different faculties of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Technology and...

Up to Half of the Consumed Energy Saved Thanks to Solar Panels

One production plant has saved almost half of the electricity consumption in the day of the largest production thanks to the solar power plant on the roof of the facility. Out of...

Per Aspera Ad Sol

When you crave a cake but do not have any will to make it on your own, you will be going to a pastry shop. In case of experiencing back pain at...

Energy Self-Sustainable Microgrids Are the Future of Energetics

Professor Zeljko Djurisic lectures at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. According to anonymous claims on the portal “Rate Professor”, there were students who would only come to the faculty because...

For Drives and Motors

Electrical powertrains – the motors, generators, drives, converters, bearings and gearboxes that drive pumps, machinery or other process equipment – are particularly critical components of many processes and must be kept running....



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