Search results for:Climate change

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More Northeast Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Brings Questions

Led by the surge in Appalachia’s Marcellus and Utica plays, U.S. natural gas production has increased over 50% since 2005 and related infrastructure to move the gas has become short. This is...

Landin, Schienebeck: Biomass Energy is Part of a Clean Energy Solution

Congress is about to make a decision that could have profound effects on the forests of Wisconsin and the future of American energy. They are considering if the United States should treat...

U.S. Energy Shakeup Continues as Solar Capacity Triples

Solar power capacity in the U.S. will have nearly tripled in size in less than three years by 2017 amid an energy shakeup that has seen natural gas solidify its position as...

COP22: from Paris to Marrakesh

After close to 200 countries signed up to a historic Climate Agreement in Paris at the end of 2015, the focus this year is firmly on the follow-up meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco...

Solar & Wind Cheaper To Replace Coal In UK Than Biomass

A new study has concluded that transitioning to wind and solar power would be a cheaper option for the United Kingdom to replace its coal fleet than using biomass electricity generation. According to...

Air Pollution more Deadly in Africa than Malnutrition or Dirty Water, Study Warns

Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a...

Onshore Windfarms more Popular than Thought, UK Poll Finds

Public support for onshore windfarms is far higher than widely believed, according to a new opinion poll, even in rural areas. Wind turbines are also far more popular than fracking or nuclear power,...

Shipping ‘Progressives’ Call for Industry Carbon Emission Cuts

Many of the world’s biggest shipowners and charterers have called on heads of state to take swift action to force carbon emission cuts on their industry which is the only sector in...

Green Subsidies to Push UK Energy Bills Higher than Planned

Household energy bills in four years’ time will be £17 higher annually than planned because of the number of windfarms and solar panels installed in recent years, according to the government’s spending...

Reykjavík: the Geothermal City that aims to Go Carbon Neutral

Icelandic capital plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2040 by reversing urban sprawl and promoting walking, cycling and public transport. Reykjavík used to be marketed as a place of...

Paris Agreement to Enter into Force as EU Agrees Ratification

The European Parliament has approved the ratification of the Paris Agreement by the European Union yesterday.With today’s European Parliament approval of the Paris Agreement ratification – in the presence of European Commission...

The Earth Is Leaking Oxygen from Its Atmosphere, and We Can’t Figure Out Why

In case your week was going well so far, we’re here to bring you calmly crashing back down to Earth again. Now we’ve been reassured that this news is nothing to lose sleep...

IEA urges Japan to decarbonise its energy supply

Japan should balance and diversify its energy mix through a combination of renewable and nuclear energy and efficient thermal power generation, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today in its latest review...

Airlines Support ICAO on Cusp of Historic Emissions Agreement

Montreal 27.9. - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged governments at the 39th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to agree a global market-based measure to help the aviation...

The World Passes 400ppm Carbon Dioxide Threshold. Permanently

We are now living in a 400ppm world with levels unlikely to drop below the symbolic milestone in our lifetimes, say scientists. Climate Central reports. In the centuries to come, history books will...

Obama power plant rules face key test in U.S. court

The centerpiece of President Barack Obama's climate change strategy, federal rules curbing greenhouse gas emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants, faces a key test on Tuesday when opponents try to convince a...



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